The Story Orchestra: Swan Lake (New Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Story Orchestra: Swan Lake (New Ed.)

作者 Katy Flint
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 The Story Orchestra: Swan Lake (New Ed.):DiscoverthespellbindingmagicofSwanLakeinthismusicalretellingoftheballet–pushthebuttononeachbeautifulscenetoheartheviv


內容簡介 《天鵝湖》紙上管弦樂團再次登場!《韋瓦第四季音樂故事》《柴可夫斯基胡桃鉗音樂故事》系列新作!獨特的音樂繪本閱聽體驗,讓孩子在書中讀到音樂,也在音樂中聽到故事!電源:直流 DC4.5V。電池:三粒1.5VAG13 LR44電池。電流:0.01A。注意事項:1.需由家長更換電池,兒童請勿更換。2.非充電式電池不可充電。3.不可使用充電電池。4.不同形式電池或新舊電池不可混用。5.電池需按正負極指示正確放入。6.已耗盡的電池需由商品中取出。7.電池兩端不可短路。*本產品不附電池Discover the spellbinding magic of Swan Lake in this musical retelling of the ballet – push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Tchaikovsky’s score.This tale of a prince, a beautiful swan princess and an evil sorcerer begins in a woodland clearing far, far away. It is Prince Siegfried’s 21st birthday. He is playing games with his friends when his mother, the Queen, arrives to tell him he needs to stop having fun and start looking after the kingdom. Prince Siegfried dreams of running away.He follows an enchanting flock of swans to a clearing by a lake, where four of the little cygnets begin to dance. The most beautiful swan transforms into the Princess Odette, who tells him that she has been cursed to turn into a swan by day and return to her natural form at night by the evil sorcerer Von Rothbart. As the prince and Odette dance, they begin to fall in love.The story follows Prince Siegfried as he attends his birthday party, is tricked into proposing to Von Rothbart’s daughter Odile and returns to the lake to battle the evil sorcerer. Will the prince be reunited with his swan princess?As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the ballet’s music. At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, with details about his composition of Swan Lake. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores.Manufacturer's note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long."


書名 / The Story Orchestra: Swan Lake (New Ed.)
作者 / Katy Flint
簡介 / The Story Orchestra: Swan Lake (New Ed.):DiscoverthespellbindingmagicofSwanLakeinthismusicalretellingoftheballet–pushthebuttononeachbeautifulscenetoheartheviv
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9780711241503
ISBN10 / 0711241503
EAN / 9780711241503
誠品26碼 / 2681717649003
頁數 / 24
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 塑膠
