內容簡介 棕熊和他的朋友們 4冊合售艾瑞卡爾旗下的四位英「熊」:棕熊、北極熊、貓熊、小小熊。大家使出渾身解數,棕色熊擅長顏色,北極熊玩聲音,貓熊請來罕見動物助陣,小小熊則央請北美洲動物幫忙,大家齊聚一堂,彷彿一場動物嘉年華,熱熱鬧鬧!在這場派對裡,小朋友,你聽見什麼、看見什麼、動物做了哪些動作呢?你會模仿嗎?這些故事句型簡單、重複,很好上口,歡迎來一起聽、一起看,一起演,一起說喔!4冊書目:Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You See?Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What Do You See?Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See?"
作者介紹 Eric CarleEric Carle's many innovative books have earned him a place in the canon of classic children's literature. His four books with Bill Martin Jr remain popular with teachers and parents, and display an enduring ability to speak directly to children.Bill MartinBill Martin Jr was an elementary-school principal, teacher, writer, and poet, and held a doctoral degree in early childhood education.