Sunny Side Up | 誠品線上

Sunny Side Up

作者 Jennifer L. Holm
商品描述 Sunny Side Up:暑假,女孩Sunny被父母送去佛羅里達和爺爺住,剛開始,Sunny覺得去佛羅里達應該蠻好玩的,因為那裏有迪士尼樂園。不過,爺爺住的地方,可是一點兒樂園的影


內容簡介 暑假,女孩Sunny 被父母送去佛羅里達和爺爺住,剛開始,Sunny覺得去佛羅里達應該蠻好玩的,因為那裏有迪士尼樂園。不過,爺爺住的地方,可是一點兒樂園的影子都沒有,只有,老人。 幸運的是,Sunny不是鎮上唯一的小孩。她遇見了超愛看漫畫的Buzz。不久,Sunny 和Buzz成為好朋友,他們一起探險、研究吃高爾夫球的鱷魚、逃跑的貓、神秘消失的鄰居。不過,Sunny最想弄清楚的是,為什麼她會被送來佛羅里達呢?難道家裡發生了什麼事嗎?漫畫式小說,閱讀輕鬆。 Sunny Lewin has been packed off to Florida to live with her grandfather for the summer. At first she thought Florida might be fun -- it is the home of Disney World, after all. But the place where Gramps lives is no amusement park. It’s full of . . . old people. Really old people. Luckily, Sunny isn’t the only kid around. She meets Buzz, a boy who is completely obsessed with comic books, and soon they’re having adventures of their own: facing off against golfball-eating alligators, runaway cats, and mysteriously disappearing neighbors. But the question remains -- why is Sunny down in Florida in the first place? The answer lies in a family secret that won’t be secret to Sunny much longer. . .


作者介紹 Jennifer L. Holm is the New York Times bestselling and three-time Newbery Honor Winning author of multiple novels for young readers. With her brother Matthew, Jennifer created the graphic novel series Babymouse and Squish. She lives in California. Matthew Holm was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and has been drawing comics since he was in middle school. With his sister, Jennifer, Matthew created the graphic novel series Babymouse and Squish. He lives in Portland, Oregon.


書名 / Sunny Side Up
作者 / Jennifer L. Holm
簡介 / Sunny Side Up:暑假,女孩Sunny被父母送去佛羅里達和爺爺住,剛開始,Sunny覺得去佛羅里達應該蠻好玩的,因為那裏有迪士尼樂園。不過,爺爺住的地方,可是一點兒樂園的影
ISBN13 / 9780545741668
ISBN10 / 0545741661
EAN / 9780545741668
誠品26碼 / 2681293843000
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X14CM
級別 / N:無
