This Is Not That Kind of Book | 誠品線上

This Is Not That Kind of Book

作者 Christopher Healy
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 This Is Not That Kind of Book:「大家好,我是A,另一位是Apple蘋果。耶,跨頁另一端隱約透露出B的形狀和一隻蜜蜂,所以我們現在待的書本是字母書囉?!」,等等,這不是


內容簡介 「大家好,我是A,另一位是Apple 蘋果。耶,跨頁另一端隱約透露出B的形狀和一隻蜜蜂, 所以我們現在待的書本是字母書囉?!」,等等,這不是字母書,這是本童話,你看一旁的小紅帽。童話?小紅帽也不確定,於是 A和apple 還有小紅帽結伴同行,想知道這是什麼書?前往森林的路上,突然迸出機器人,「奇怪,怎不是大野狼呢?」,「嘿嘿,因為這不是你認為的那種大野狼尾隨小紅帽的故事啊」,究竟,這本是什麼書呢?機器人也加入尋找答案的行列。一路上遇到正在等待同學一起上課的刺蝟、香蕉先生、海盜、偵探…角色大亂入。這不是knock knock的敲門笑話,不是偵探小說,也不是海盜日記,這到底是什麼書?書後有沒有寫呢?大夥一起去找找吧!答案跟A的單字有關喔!This is a book that answers all the kids who have ever posed the question What kind of book is it?This clever alphabet book... Wait, that's not right. This original fairy tale... Nope. Mystery? Joke book? Superhero story? Pirate adventure? This delightful mash-up features every kind of character found in the picture-book universe--all in one book. Just when the reader is convinced the story is going in one direction, it spins off in another.Ever-changing illustrations keep pace with the rapid reversals, and the setting shifts with nearly every turn of the page. Truly inventive, here's a picture book that can be anything you want it to be!"


作者介紹 CHRISTOPHER HEALY CHRISTOPHER HEALY held numerous other jobs before becoming a children's book author, including actor, ad copywriter, toy-store display designer, fact-checker, dishwasher, journalist, costume maker, video-game reviewer, and haunted-house zombie (though not in that order). He is the author of the popular Hero's Guide series, and lives in New Jersey with his wife, their two children, and a dog named Duncan.BEN MANTLEBEN MANTLE has most recently been working as a children's book illustrator from his shared studio in Brighton, England. He also produces screen prints and digital artwork for exhibitions. Ben has illustrated numerous picture books, including the popular books Five Little Pumpkins and There Was an Old Dragon Who Swallowed a Knight.


書名 / This Is Not That Kind of Book
作者 / Christopher Healy
簡介 / This Is Not That Kind of Book:「大家好,我是A,另一位是Apple蘋果。耶,跨頁另一端隱約透露出B的形狀和一隻蜜蜂,所以我們現在待的書本是字母書囉?!」,等等,這不是
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780525580294
ISBN10 / 0525580298
EAN / 9780525580294
誠品26碼 / 2681893092006
頁數 / 40
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.7X23.9X1CM
級別 / N:無
