內容簡介 本書為了慶祝知名童書作家Judith Kerr的九十歲生日而推出,一一回顧她過往重大的人生轉折,以及她在兒童文學領域中不可忽視的重要地位和眾多偉大的代表作們。要了解Judith Kerr的故事,不得不從她在德國柏林度過的早期童年時光開始說起,當希特勒在1933年崛起,她跟家人們匆匆地帶著行李潛逃到英國,也自此奠定了她之後對於大屠殺議題的關注和描寫。在本書中,我們可窺見她早期在繪畫和寫作上的嘗試,包括她求學期間的創作,以及她在第一份工作時所做的織品設計等。其次,我們當然也不能錯過她和生命中的重要伴侶-編劇Nigel Kneale的相遇,以及她如何從一個BBC的普通觀眾,到後來開始為BBC撰寫劇本的轉折過程。此外,Judith Kerr從事童書創作的契機,不可不歸功於她的孩子們,因為她的第一本童書便是為了自己的孩子而寫,自此開啟她長達四十餘年的兒童文學創作生涯。若您想深入了解這位傳奇作家的生平故事,絕對不能錯過本書。
作者介紹 Judith Kerr OBE was born in Berlin. Her family left Germany in 1933 to escape the rising Nazi party, and came to England. She studied at the Central School of Art and later worked as a scriptwriter for the BBC.Judith married the celebrated screenwriter Nigel Kneale in 1954. She left the BBC to look after their two children, who inspired her first picture book, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Published in 1968 and never out of print in the fifty years since, it has become a much-loved classic and perennial bestseller.Judith celebrated her 95th birthday in 2018, was awarded the Booktrust Lifetime Achievement Award in 2016, and continues to write and illustrate children�s books from her home in London.