Oi Frog and Friends: Oi Frog! | 誠品線上

Oi Frog and Friends: Oi Frog!

作者 Kes Gray
商品描述 Oi Frog and Friends: Oi Frog!:大顛覆!!動物坐在哪裡?動物和坐具的押韻遊戲!他們坐哪裡呢?你想到什麼押韻字呢?那就是他們坐的地方喔,顛覆你對坐具的想像!最後青


內容簡介 大顛覆!! 動物坐在哪裡?動物和坐具的押韻遊戲貓咪規定青蛙(frog)得坐在圓木(log)上,但是青蛙不願意,因為木頭上的小樹枝坐得屁股好痛。「我不能坐在地毯(mat)上嗎?」,「不行喔,那是給貓咪(cat)的」,「那坐椅子(chair)可以嗎?」,「不行喔,那是給野兔(hare)坐的」,「沙發可以嗎?那是給花栗鼠(gopher)的」 …,接著青蛙反問:「那獅子(lion)坐在哪裡?」,「坐在熨斗(iron)上」,鸚鵡(parrot) 坐在紅蘿蔔(carrot)上、狐狸(fox)坐在箱子(box)上,青蛙又舉出跳蚤(flea)、山羊(goat)、大猩猩(gorilla)、黃鼠狼(weasel)、鼴鼠(mole)、鴿子(dove)、黑猩猩(ape) 等10幾種動物,他們坐哪裡呢?你想到什麼押韻字呢?那就是他們坐的地方喔,顛覆你對坐具的想像!最後青蛙問:「那狗狗dog坐在哪裡呢?」,貓咪若無其事地說:「真希望你沒問」…,一旁傳來青蛙的救命聲,因為dogs sit on …From the award-winning Kes Gray and the winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, Jim Field, comes an hilarious rhyming tale about a frog who discovers that all animals have their special places to sit!Cats sit on mats, hares sit on chairs, mules sit on stools and gofers sit on sofas, but Frog does not want to sit on a log! Jam-packed with animals and silliness, this original rhyming story will have young children in fits of laughter.'An absolute treat.' - Daily Mail'Hilarious illustrations and rhymes which are easy to recite and join in. Everyone will love it.' - The GuardianKes was voted by the Independent as one of the TOP TEN children's authors and he is the author of the award-winning Eat Your Peas and winner of the Red House Children's Book Award. Jim's first picture book Cats Ahoy! won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize."


書名 / Oi Frog and Friends: Oi Frog!
作者 / Kes Gray
簡介 / Oi Frog and Friends: Oi Frog!:大顛覆!!動物坐在哪裡?動物和坐具的押韻遊戲!他們坐哪裡呢?你想到什麼押韻字呢?那就是他們坐的地方喔,顛覆你對坐具的想像!最後青
ISBN13 / 9781444910865
ISBN10 / 1444910868
EAN / 9781444910865
誠品26碼 / 2681523502004
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.5X0.5X24.6CM
級別 / N:無
