內容簡介 如何和小鬼做朋友 甜蜜指南如鬼你聽過鬼故事,一定覺得鬼很恐怖,不過,鬼其實是很甜蜜的生物喔!如果你有機會遇到鬼,要怎樣和它交朋友呢?首先,和它打招呼,請它來家裡坐坐;請它吃點心,或是一起到廚房製做也可以,像是雷電湯、鬼頭馬鈴薯…,帶它去踏青散散步、說恐怖故事、講笑話給它聽;萬聖節時帶它去要糖果、幫它洗泡泡澡、唱歌給它聽…。如果它不喜歡被其他人看到,幫它找躲貓貓的地方,像是襪子堆、面紙盒、冰箱。另外,要注意別讓它被當成面紙、棉花糖、奶油。如果你能做到這些,它會是你從年輕、結婚生子(它會和你的孩子玩peekaboo喔)、到老年,甚至是上天堂的好友喔! What do you do when you meet a ghost? One: Provide the ghost with some of its favourite snacks, like mud tarts and earwax truffles. Two: Tell your ghost bedtime stories (ghosts love to be read to). Three: Make sure no one mistakes your ghost for whipped cream or a marshmallow when you aren't looking! If you follow the essential tips in How to Make Friends With a Ghost, you'll learn how a ghost can be the perfect companion for rest of your life and beyond..."Green’s picture-book debut is a guidebook that will be useful for anyone lucky enough to meet a ghost... A solid guidebook to shelve with similar tomes on caring for monsters, trolls, fairies, dragons, and the like." Kirkus Reviews"[A] tender little love story." The Globe and Mail