Tropical Terry | 誠品線上

Tropical Terry

作者 Jarvis
商品描述 Tropical Terry:還難忘Jarvis的《Alan'sBig,ScaryTeeth》好笑故事嗎?別錯過了Jarvis的2018年新作《TropicalTerry》CoralReefCity是海洋中,最熱鬧繁華的淺水區,也是許多


內容簡介 還難忘Jarvis的《Alan's Big, Scary Teeth》好笑故事嗎?別錯過了Jarvis的2018年新作《Tropical Terry》Coral Reef City是海洋中,最熱鬧繁華的淺水區,也是許多熱帶魚的住所。相較於其他外表豔麗的熱帶魚,同樣住在Coral Reef Cit的Terry,看起來灰灰的不起眼,雖然玩「躲魚魚」的時候,Terry佔盡了優勢,不容易被抓到,但在Terry的心中,還是很想擁有時髦外表,成為外表能閃耀全場的熱帶魚成員之一,有了朋友的幫助,Terry好不容易有了一套可驚艷全場的艷麗服裝,正當Terry準備好要華麗登場時,又會發生什麼事呢?Jarvis式的幽默手法,讓孩子了解自我認同,並理解自我肯定的重要性。Terry wants to stand out. But, in Coral Reef City, it's sometimes better to blend in... Coral Reef City is home to the most dazzling shoals of tropical fish in ALL the ocean. And then there is Terry. Terry looks grey. Terry feels dull. And although he is the best at playing "Hide A Fish ", he can't help but wonder: Just what would it feel like to be part of that dashing, flashing crew? So, with the help of his friends, he fashions a flashy costume and is ready to impress... "Hello-o-o everybody! Just call me TROPICAL Terry! " But will life as a tropical fish be everything he always dreamed of? With his trademark humour and vibrant art, the award-winning Jarvis tells a heart-warming comedy of self-esteem; a story about learning to love your own scales and take pride in what makes you different."


作者介紹 JarvisJarvis studied graphic design and previously worked as a record sleeve designer, website designer and an animation director before becoming a children’s book maker. His books with Walker include Mrs Mole, I’m Home!and Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth, which won the 2017 V&A Best Illustrated Book. Jarvis lives in Manchester with his wife and their dog and cat.Follow him on Twitter as @heyimjarvis and on Instagram as @booksbyjarvis.


書名 / Tropical Terry
作者 / Jarvis
簡介 / Tropical Terry:還難忘Jarvis的《Alan'sBig,ScaryTeeth》好笑故事嗎?別錯過了Jarvis的2018年新作《TropicalTerry》CoralReefCity是海洋中,最熱鬧繁華的淺水區,也是許多
ISBN13 / 9781406378627
ISBN10 / 1406378623
EAN / 9781406378627
誠品26碼 / 2681575646008
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X25.5CM
級別 / N:無
