Release | 誠品線上


作者 Patrick Ness
商品描述 Release:星期六,夏天,亞當不知道自己的生活即將在一夜之間,徹底改變卡內基文學獎《怪物來敲門》崔克‧奈斯PatrickNess作品。青少年亞當Adam,在虔誠的傳教士家庭中長大


內容簡介 星期六,夏天,亞當不知道自己的生活即將在一夜之間,徹底改變卡內基文學獎《怪物來敲門》崔克‧奈斯Patrick Ness作品。青少年亞當Adam,在虔誠的傳教士家庭中長大。亞當的性別與一般人不太一樣,不僅大眾用異樣眼光看他,家人更無法接受。對外,亞當必須對父母隱瞞自己的男友,對內,自己又陷入對前男友Enzo仍存有一絲愛戀的混亂中…。慘的是,亞當的哥哥──修道院學生,將來要繼承父志,卻意外讓女友懷孕,怕老爸氣炸,向亞當求救;在工作上,亞當的老闆因為亞當的性向,頻找他麻煩,連可以傾訴心情的好友Angela也有狀況…。同時間,在湖邊進行著另一條故事線:有個女孩被男友謀害,女孩的幽魂飄盪在湖中,計畫著有朝一日向男友復仇,不過同時在女孩身上的還有一個「女王」! 看似平行的兩個故事,其實大有關連…。儘管晦澀纏身,或許,他們還是可以從眾多束縛中,尋求釋放!The most personal and tender novel yet from Patrick Ness, the twice Carnegie Medal-winning author of A Monster Calls.It's Saturday, it's summer and, although he doesn't know it yet, everything in Adam Thorn's life is going to fall apart. But maybe, just maybe, he'll find freedom from the release. Time is running out though, because way across town, a ghost has risen from the lake... This uplifting coming-of-age novel will remind you what it's like to fall in love.


作者介紹 Patrick NessPatrick Ness was born in the USA, but has lived in London since 1999. He writes both novels and short stories for adults and children, but is best known for his books for young adults. His first books for teenagers made up the Chaos Walking trilogy, of which the first book, The Knife of Never Letting Go, won the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize and the Booktrust Teenage Prize, followed by The Ask and the Answer, which won the Costa Award. All three titles in the trilogy were shortlisted for the prestigious Carnegie Medal, an unprecedented event, and in 2011 the third title, Monsters of Men, won the award. Patrick's sixth book, A Monster Calls, was based on an original idea by Siobhan Dowd and illustrated by Jim Kay. It won every major prize in children's fiction, including the Galaxy National Book Award, the UKLA Book Award and the Red House Children's Book Award. In 2012 it became the first book ever to win both the Carnegie Medal and the Kate Greenaway Medal. Patrick has also written the screenplay for the film of A Monster Calls. Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona and starring Liam Neeson, Sigourney Weaver and Felicity Jones, the film is set for release in 2016. In 2013 he published his next novel More Than This to great critical acclaim. It was also shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal.


書名 / Release
作者 / Patrick Ness
簡介 / Release:星期六,夏天,亞當不知道自己的生活即將在一夜之間,徹底改變卡內基文學獎《怪物來敲門》崔克‧奈斯PatrickNess作品。青少年亞當Adam,在虔誠的傳教士家庭中長大
ISBN13 / 9781406378696
ISBN10 / 1406378690
EAN / 9781406378696
誠品26碼 / 2681557347008
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X13.1X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
