內容簡介 來自火星的男孩 媽媽因工作,突然得臨時出門,Stanley也決定要跟隨媽媽出門,去火星!Stanley到後院去,坐上他的火箭,咻!叮咚,火星人到訪做客,這個火星人長得很像Stanley呢!爸爸熱情邀請火星人進屋過夜,火星人很有個性,不吃青菜、不刷牙、隔天也不想進學校,人類做的事,火星人都不要!!爸爸暫且睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,心忖著,當媽媽回家時,這個火星人還會在嗎?Stanley會及時回來嗎?Baby Brain天才寶寶作者創作。The heart-warming story of a little boy who misses his mum from award-winning author-illustrator Simon James.The day that Stanley's mum had to go away to, he decided to go to Mars. In his place, a not-very-well-behaved Martian arrived. He looked just like Stanley, but he wouldn't eat his vegetables, he wouldn't clean his teeth and he certainly didn't play nicely in the playground. Dad's not sure what Mum will think when she gets back. Will the martian still be there, or will the real Stanley get back in time?