內容簡介 ◎2016《紐約時報》最佳繪本!修道士對知識和真理的追求,與貓對獵物的戲謔追逐,看似不相關的兩條平行線,是否蘊含相通的哲理?從黑夜到黎明,陪伴著修道士的貓,如何引領他更接近真理?"Pangur Ban",一首來自九世紀修道院的經典古愛爾蘭詩,透過作者Jo Ellen Bogart簡單而優雅的文字重述,搭配Sydney Smith充滿詩意的圖畫,向動物的智慧和自然界的奧妙致敬。繪者Sydney Smith既具現代童話美感,又如圖像小說般引人入勝的獨特風格,使其作品連續兩年名列《紐約時報》最佳繪本,並獲得許多獎項及媒體讚譽。A monk leads a simple life. He studies his books late into the eveningand searches for truth in their pages. His cat, Pangur, leads a simplelife, too, chasing prey in the darkness. As night turns to dawn, Pangurleads his companion to the truth he has been seeking.The White Cat and the Monkis a retelling of the classic Old Irish poem “Pangur Bán.” With JoEllen Bogart’s simple and elegant narration and Sydney’s Smith’sclassically inspired images, this contemplative story pays tribute tothe wisdom of animals and the wonders of the natural world."