內容簡介 機場 小小世界拉拉轉轉遊戲書 Little World 小小世界系列,是設計給嬰幼兒的可愛厚紙板書,藉由手指的帶引,拉拉轉轉,探索各個角落,從城市到叢林,從海洋到外太空。 要出國了,要搭飛機囉~~!帶著大大小小的行李,來到出境航廈,首先要到航空公司櫃台報到,寄行李,並確認行李通過X光機。接著是隨身安全檢察,要走安檢門,你通過的時候,有沒有發出嗶嗶聲呢?別緊張,或許是你的鋁合金小汽車忘了拿起來,再次確認就好了。通過安檢之後,就可以準備候機、登機了喔。書中設計多種互動拉拉轉轉機關—飛機咻~地從西飛到東,乘客走空橋或爬梯登上飛機…等多種模擬情境。藉由手指運動,認識機場,舒緩焦慮,增加對機場的熟悉感,放心、開心地飛向天空吧! Introducing the interactive Little World series from Ladybird that makes our big world little. Little World is designed for curious toddlers, allowing them to explore familiar landscapes and faraway places, from cities and jungles to outer space and ocean depths. The gentle narrative is perfect for reading aloud, guiding children through the terminal as they check in bags, walk through security and board the plane. A novelty slide, push or pull on every spread will engage children and help to soothe any anxiety about airports and flying. Sam Meredith's bright artwork and charming characters encourage interaction and play, with lots to spot, see and enjoy on every spread. Look out for other titles in the Little World series: In the City, To the Moon, Jungle Journey, Under the Sea and To the Beach ... with many more to come!