A History of Pictures for Children | 誠品線上

這樣看, 你就懂了: 藝術大師霍克尼的繪畫啟蒙課

作者 大衛.霍克尼/ 馬丁.蓋福特
商品描述 A History of Pictures for Children:AHistoryofPicturesforChildrentakesreadersonajourneythrougharthistory,fromearlyartdrawnoncavewallstotheimageswemaketodayonour


內容簡介 History of Pictures for Children takes readers on a journey through art history, from early art drawn on cave walls to the images we make today on our computers and phone cameras. Based on the bestselling book for adults, this children’s edition of A History of Pictures is told through conversations between the artist David Hockney and the author Martin Gayford, who talk about art with inspiring simplicity and clarity. Rose Blake’s illustrations illuminate the narratives of both authors to bring the history of art alive for a young audience.Table of ContentsIntroduction • 1. Thinking About Pictures: Why Do We Make Pictures? • 2. Making Marks: What Makes an Interesting Mark? • 3. Light and Shadows: What is a shadow exactly? • 4. Watch This Space: How Do Artists Set the Scene? • 5. Mirrors and Reflections: How Do Artists Play with Light? • 6. Painting and Photography: What Tools Do Artists Use? • 7. Moving Pictures: Can Pictures Really Move? • 8. The Story Goes On: What’s Next for Pictures? • Timeline of Inventions"


書名 / A History of Pictures for Children
作者 / 大衛.霍克尼 馬丁.蓋福特
簡介 / A History of Pictures for Children:AHistoryofPicturesforChildrentakesreadersonajourneythrougharthistory,fromearlyartdrawnoncavewallstotheimageswemaketodayonour
ISBN13 / 9780500651414
ISBN10 / 0500651418
EAN / 9780500651414
誠品26碼 / 2681720626008
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.2X28.7X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
