Tony T-Rex's Family Album | 誠品線上

Tony T-Rex's Family Album

作者 Rob Hodgson
商品描述 Tony T-Rex's Family Album:想知道恐龍是如何滅絕的嗎?快聽聽世界上最後一位倖存的空龍-暴龍東尼,娓娓道來…當你翻開這本暴龍東尼的家族相本,請不要為東尼感到難過!身


內容簡介 想知道恐龍是如何滅絕的嗎?快聽聽世界上最後一位倖存的空龍-暴龍東尼,娓娓道來…當你翻開這本暴龍東尼的家族相本,請不要為東尼感到難過!身為世界上最後一隻恐龍,東尼想跟你好好介紹曾經一起生活在這片土地的家人們。東尼的親戚是各式各樣的恐龍,東尼以一種無厘頭且百無禁忌的方式,陳述這些恐龍親戚的一切。比如說東尼的叔叔是一隻梁龍(Diplodocus),叔叔是一位好脾氣的龍,也是一位會關懷他人,處處為人著想的恐龍,也因為如此,叔叔不願意傷害他人,也是一位全素食者,但叔叔的秘密是,雖然他是恐龍界中身型最長的恐龍,但叔叔的腦卻不成比例的小!這…東尼你也太過誠實了吧!透過東尼的搞笑筆觸,認識各種生活在侏羅紀與白堊紀時期的著名恐龍,讀完這本書,各種恐龍的特性與趣味小知識,自然而然的就深烙於腦海中,閱讀本該如此有趣!Tony T-Rex’s Family Album is a humorous history of dinosaurs as told by Earth’s last surviving dinosaur, Tony. Tony pens a no-holds-barred family history, and the stories that surface reveal the defining characteristics of some of the most memorable creatures from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.Tony’s memoir includes tales about his great-great-great-grandpa ‘Greedy Guts’ Bill, the Brachiosaurus who was known to eat stones to help with indigestion, and beak-mouthed Aunt Norni the Sinornithosaurus, the first female dinosaur ever to achieve flight. It also presents the family’s blackest sheep – a Ceratosaurus called Horace ‘The Horn’ who, in a time of great scarcity and hunger, took a bite out of one his hunting buddies and pursued a lifestyle of cannibalism.Featuring the quirky illustrations of Rob Hodgson, Tony T-Rex’s Family Album stands apart from the numerous dinosaur books on the market for its characterful creatures and humorous approach to palaeontology. It is the first in a series that brings archaeology alive for young children.Table of ContentsWho’s Who? • Digging Up Family Secrets • Great Hall of Fossils • Where on Earth?Find Your Own Fossils • Dino Words"


書名 / Tony T-Rex's Family Album
作者 / Rob Hodgson
簡介 / Tony T-Rex's Family Album:想知道恐龍是如何滅絕的嗎?快聽聽世界上最後一位倖存的空龍-暴龍東尼,娓娓道來…當你翻開這本暴龍東尼的家族相本,請不要為東尼感到難過!身
ISBN13 / 9780500651681
ISBN10 / 050065168X
EAN / 9780500651681
誠品26碼 / 2681689318006
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.2X22.9CM
級別 / N:無
