內容簡介 大飛龍Franklin和小女孩Luna兩人在《Franklin's Flying Bookshop》裡,兩人都熱愛書,一見如故,甚至還開了一家行動飛龍書店…這次,兩人要一起上月球,尋找Franklin那失落已久的龍系家族!大飛龍Franklin和小女孩Luna這對熱愛閱讀的雙人組,對任何類型的書都有興趣,有天,他們讀到一本探索奇妙生物與起源的書時,Franklin開始對自己的身世感到好奇,Franklin今年已經605歲了,但對於哪裡有龍,卻一點方向都沒有。於是,Luna提議來一場尋找Franklin家族的旅程,但在旅程開始之前,要準備的東西可不少,首先,要google Franklin的族譜,e-mail 給公主詢問更多細節,旅程中,他們遇到了20位吃著義大利麵的雪人、5位讀莎士比亞的吸血鬼,跳迪斯可的獨角獸…但就是沒有龍!有天夜晚,Luna天外飛來一筆,覺得應該去月球尋找Franklin的家人,於是,兩位好朋友一同去了月球,果然找到了Franklin失落已久的龍系家族,Luna也見證了一場暖心的大團圓!From the creators of the bestselling Franklin’s Flying Bookshop, Jen Campbell and Katie Harnett, comes another charming tale about two book-lovers Franklin and Luna.Luna and her best friend, Franklin the dragon, love stories and want to visit all the places they’ve read about in books. But for all their reading they still don’t know where dragons come from. And Franklin is now so old – 605 to be exact – he can’t remember himself! They search high and low, but to no avail. Until one evening, Luna’s tortoise, Neil Armstrong, notices something far away in the sky… The three friends set out on their biggest adventure yet – all the way to the moon – in the hope of reuniting Franklin with his long lost family.