內容簡介 當你還在《Paris Up, Up and Away》細膩的紙雕工藝中流連忘返巴黎的美,亦或是在《Mary Poppins Up, Up and Away》中,讚嘆以細膩紙雕作品呈現出瑪麗包萍的神仙魔法故事畫面,那更是不能錯過這位法國女紙雕家Hélène Druvert的2018新作《New York Melody》!翻開這本新作,等於開啟了一段豐富的感官之旅,跟隨著音符遨遊美國古典音樂與流行音樂界的標誌性建築─卡內基音樂廳、摩天大樓與紐約城,最後,這些音符在中央公園的吉他演奏中,找到了它的所屬,吉他演奏的動聽旋律,讓經過的路人癡迷。透過Hélène Druvert精細的紙雕工藝,漫遊紐約迷人風采。Soar through New York and discover its magic and monuments in this evocatively illustrated children’s book enriched by intricate lasercut pages.A musical note filled with wanderlust breaks away from its sheet music to roam all around New York City. It visits Carnegie Hall, the bright lights of Broadway, and a hidden jazz club. It soars between skyscrapers, flies into a bass, improvises in a trumpet, and dances a little swing with a trombone, until it finally finds its place in a guitar playing in Central Park. There, it makes all the difference, and the guitar’s melody becomes a song that enchants passersby.Beautifully crafted with He´le`ne Druvert’s intricate lasercuts, New York Melody is a wonderfully imaginative introduction to New York and its many unique rhythms for young children.Illustrated throughout"