My Worst Book Ever! | 誠品線上

My Worst Book Ever!

作者 Allan Ahlberg
商品描述 My Worst Book Ever!:我最糟糕的一本書作家心歷路程大告白《TheJollyPostman》AllanAhlberg創作嗨!讀者們,歡迎來到我的「糟糕之書」,如同你在右下角看到的小蒼蠅,正是


內容簡介 我最糟糕的一本書 作家心歷路程大告白《The Jolly Postman》Allan Ahlberg創作嗨!讀者們,歡迎來到我的「糟糕之書」,如同你在右下角看到的小蒼蠅,正是由牠掀起糟糕的序頁。其實本來一切都還不錯:清新的早晨、一杯熱咖啡、一顆清澈的腦,靈感感源源不絕。我想著鱷魚伺機而動,張大嘴吃掉人類一家的故事。不料,天外飛來一隻貓,打翻我的咖啡,弄髒我的手稿,手稿還被一點一滴被蝸牛啃食,更慘的是,我的畫家夥伴不知怎了,大概太開心了,他畫了河馬而不是我預想的鱷魚!然後出版社也太high,居然想加入恐龍!!…這真是我最糟糕的一本書啊!Picture books are such good fun and so is making them – but who knew there were so many things that could go wrong? This is the story of a picture book doomed from the very start. Allan has a good idea for book about a crocodile, but every time he sits down to write he’s interrupted. The manuscript gets soaked in tea and nibbled by snails. And then when Bruce gets started on the pictures, he gets over-excited and draws a hippo not a crocodile. The publishers get over-excited too – they want a dinosaur and experiment with all kinds of different fonts. Allan and Bruce think they’ve straightened things out, but then when the book goes off to the printer – you guessed it – there’s MORE trouble. Pages in French and Chinese get muddled with the English, and somehow Bruce’s hippos and dinosaurs get mixed up with them too."


書名 / My Worst Book Ever!
作者 / Allan Ahlberg
簡介 / My Worst Book Ever!:我最糟糕的一本書作家心歷路程大告白《TheJollyPostman》AllanAhlberg創作嗨!讀者們,歡迎來到我的「糟糕之書」,如同你在右下角看到的小蒼蠅,正是
ISBN13 / 9780500650905
ISBN10 / 050065090X
EAN / 9780500650905
誠品26碼 / 2681555426002
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X21.1X1.5CM
級別 / N:無