Chineasy™ for Children | 誠品線上

Chineasy™ for Children

作者 薛曉嵐
商品描述 Chineasy™ for Children:圖像學中文好簡單!!學中文像玩樂高!Chineasy獲得《Wallpaper》2014生活革新獎。Chineasy由Chinese和easy組合而成,就是要讓學中文很簡單!出


內容簡介 圖像學中文好簡單!!學中文像玩樂高! Chineasy獲得《Wallpaper》2014生活革新獎Chineasy由Chinese 和easy組合而成,就是要讓學中文很簡單!出生於書法、陶藝世家,旅居英國的台灣作者薛曉嵐,因為要教自己的孩子認中文,開始研發思索,如何用有趣的方式,讓中文字接近生活,立刻上手。她設計大量的視覺、圖片、動畫,運用聯想讓中文字活靈活現,讓圖片、字型和意義三者高度相關。中文字就像樂高積木一樣,一個一個拼湊、替換、堆疊,一個字衍伸好多字:人,張開腿邁步走,人把兩臂張開就是「大」,兩個合起來就是「大人」。本書除了單字、常用語也介紹字型演變故事、文化介紹,並提供遊戲和活動頁,讓孩子甚至初學中文的外國人再次回想學到的中文字。依主題排列,身體、動物、自然、食物、數字、家庭、中國文化(端午節 新年 12生肖)…超過100個字,書末有圖畫字典。The simple, super-smart way for children to learn their first 100 Chinese wordsA lively introduction for children to written Chinese, Chineasy™ for Children makes learning Chinese fun and simple. The book features playful illustrations by Noma Bar that relate each character’s shape to its meaning, alongside games and activities to make learning interactive.Introductory spreads explain how Chinese is written in pictograms―characters form building blocks for other words and sentences. Subsequent spreads feature lively scenes that help children to recognize over 100 Chinese characters. The book is organized by themes such as numbers, family, animals, and food, each section covering vocabulary within that topic. Stories about the development of characters and customs provide the perfect introduction to Chinese culture, while games and activities allow children to put into practice what they have learned. The book also features a picture library of characters for avid linguists to memorize as well as guidance on Mandarin pronunciation.Illustrated in color throughout"


作者介紹 ShaoLanShaoLan is the creator of Chineasy™. She is an entrepreneur, writer, traveler, and dreamer. Her aim is to allow the east and west to communicate freely.Noma BarNoma Bar is an acclaimed illustrator whose work has appeared in many media outlets, including the New York Times, Observer, The Economist, and Wallpaper*.


書名 / Chineasy™ for Children
作者 / 薛曉嵐
簡介 / Chineasy™ for Children:圖像學中文好簡單!!學中文像玩樂高!Chineasy獲得《Wallpaper》2014生活革新獎。Chineasy由Chinese和easy組合而成,就是要讓學中文很簡單!出
ISBN13 / 9780500651216
ISBN10 / 0500651213
EAN / 9780500651216
誠品26碼 / 2681520197005
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X1.2X27.7CM
級別 / N:無