內容簡介 迪士尼經典童話 小金書經典,金典。超過75年的小金書,陪伴許多美國孩子成長。小金書的畫風優雅,故事長度適中,情節緊湊,時時傳遞良善、正向觀念。這些原本在 1950 到1960出版的小金書,現在也重現讀者眼前,有愛麗絲夢遊仙境、小鹿斑比、仙杜瑞拉、 小飛俠、小木偶、白雪公主、三隻小豬、小飛象等共12冊,適合2-5歲開始接觸有情節故事的孩子。經典,值得一再回味。我們一起摟著孩子,翻開往日的「金」采吧!This collector's edition boxed set contains 12 classic Walt Disney Little Golden Books originally published in the 1950s and 1960s. Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland, Bambi, Cinderella, Dumbo, The Lucky Puppy, Mother Goose, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Scamp, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Three Little Pigs, and The Ugly Duckling are beloved tales that belong in every reader's library. This gorgeous boxed set is perfect for children ages 2 to 5 as well as collectors of all ages. Little Golden Books enjoy nearly 100% consumer recognition and have been loved by children for 75 years. They feature beloved classics, hot licenses, and new original stories . . . the classics of tomorrow."