At the Garage: A Shine-a-Light Book | 誠品線上

At the Garage: A Shine-a-Light Book

作者 Carron Brown/ Charlie Davis
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 At the Garage: A Shine-a-Light Book:在車庫裡手電筒透光書閱讀新體驗將光源放在書頁後方,就會透出影像糟糕!這個小家庭的車子在半路拋錨了,誰會趕來幫忙呢?手電筒一


內容簡介 在車庫裡 手電筒透光書閱讀新體驗 將光源放在書頁後方,就會透出影像糟糕!這個小家庭的車子在半路拋錨了,誰會趕來幫忙呢?手電筒一照,是修車廠派拖吊車來,把車子拖到修車廠。進場後,接下來後怎麼做呢(千斤頂將車子抬昇)?技師上場,他們需要工具,工具箱裡有什麼(各種尺寸的螺絲起子、鑽子)?接著,打開引擎蓋,裡面好多管子和零件喔。車屋在上路前,要好好檢修一下,車屋內部長怎樣呢?哇!有廚房、廁所、床鋪!修車廠也幫忙維修消防車、4輪傳動車、幫重機噴漆、洗車…任何有關車子的問題,來這裡就對囉!手電筒透光的設計,任何隱藏在門後、罩子、蓋子底下的小祕密,只要光一透,全部一清二楚!What goes on inside a busy, noisy garage? Children can find out in this beautifully illustrated Shine-a-Light title, which looks at a day in a garage, where engines are fixed, wheels are pumped up, and vehicles are repainted and mended so that everyone can go on their way.The unique design of the book allows children to discover a “hidden” image by holding the page up to a bright light, much like a lift-the-flap mechanism. For children aged 3 and up, this is a wonderful introduction to all sorts of vehicles and mechanical work."


書名 / At the Garage: A Shine-a-Light Book
作者 / Carron Brown Charlie Davis
簡介 / At the Garage: A Shine-a-Light Book:在車庫裡手電筒透光書閱讀新體驗將光源放在書頁後方,就會透出影像糟糕!這個小家庭的車子在半路拋錨了,誰會趕來幫忙呢?手電筒一
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781782404965
ISBN10 / 1782404961
EAN / 9781782404965
誠品26碼 / 2681446489000
頁數 / 36
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X26CM
級別 / N:無