內容簡介 Come Away! Come Away!The Darling children are tucked up in bed when Peter Pan bursts in to their nursery. Peter and his mischievous fairy Tinker Bell entice Wendy and her brothers to fly away with them to a magical world called Neverland. There you can swim with mermaids and play all day with the Lost Boys. But you must watch out for pirates, especially Captain Hook. And how do you find Neverland? Second to the right and straight on till morning of course...
作者介紹 ■作者簡介詹姆斯.馬修.巴利(J. M. Barrie, 1860-1937)英國小說家、劇作家。生於英國東部蘇格蘭農村一個織布工人之家。自幼酷愛讀書寫作。1882年於愛丁堡大學畢業後,在諾丁從事新聞工作。1885年他移居倫敦,當自由投稿的新聞記者,開始創作反映蘇格蘭人生活的小說和劇本。巴利擅長以幽默溫情的筆調描述蘇格蘭農村的風土人情。最著名作品的是幻想劇《彼得.潘》(Peter Pan, The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up, 1904,劇場版),該劇在倫敦公演後,引起極大轟動。後來又改寫?童話故事,並被譯成多種文學傳到國外。他一生為孩子們寫了許多童話故事和童話劇,而《彼得.潘》(Peter and Wendy, 1911,小說版)則是他的代表作,影響最大。其他知名作品還有The Admirable Crichton(1902)、The Little White Bird(1902)等等。