Rules For Vanishing | 誠品線上

Rules For Vanishing

作者 Kate Alice Marshall
商品描述 Rules For Vanishing:一個流傳於小鎮多年的傳說,一條有膽就得繼續走下去的神秘道路…BriarGlen小鎮的森林裡,有一年出現了一條路,女鬼LucyGallows在路的盡頭向到訪者致


內容簡介 一個流傳於小鎮多年的傳說,一條有膽就得繼續走下去的神秘道路… Briar Glen小鎮的森林裡,有一年出現了一條路,女鬼Lucy Gallows在路的盡頭向到訪者致意。 想跟Lucy玩遊戲嗎?請謹記這個遊戲膽小鬼不宜喔!如果你贏了,可以活著離開這裡,但如果不幸輸了,那…你的下落,似乎也沒有任何前例可考證。 Sara的手足Becca一年前失蹤了,但只有Sara知道Becca的下落,Becca在那條神秘之路被Lucy困住了。雖然在Briar Glen小鎮裡,女鬼Lucy之路只是個傳說,但Sara打從心底知道這個傳說是真的,而且他要去那裡找回Becca。 Sara和一名無神論朋友約好在森林一起尋找Becca,而那條神秘的道路也為他們而現蹤,Sara他們只要沿著路往前走即可,但Lucy之路並非一般的道路,要往前走必須付出代價,Sara知道,往前走並不一定能回得來,但Becca需要她,而Lucy則在路的另一端等著Sara… In the faux-documentary style of The Blair Witch Project comes the campfire story of a missing girl, a vengeful ghost, and the girl who is determined to find her sister--at all costs. Once a year, a road appears in the forest. And at the end of it, the ghost of Lucy Gallows beckons. Lucy's game isn't for the faint of heart. If you win, you escape with your life. But if you lose.... Sara's sister disappeared one year ago--and only Sara knows where she is. Becca went to find the ghost of Lucy Gallows and is trapped on the road that leads to her. In the sleepy town of Briar Glen, Lucy's road is nothing more than local lore. But Sara knows it's real, and she's going to find it. When Sara and her skeptical friends meet in the forest to search for Becca, the mysterious road unfurls before them. All they have to do is walk down it. But the path to Lucy is not of this world, and it has its own rules. Every mistake summons new horrors. Vengeful spirits and broken, angry creatures are waiting for them to slip, and no one is guaranteed safe passage. The only certainty is this: the road has a toll and it will be paid. Sara knows that if she steps onto the road, she might not come back. But Becca needs her. And Lucy is waiting.


作者介紹 Kate Alice Marshall started writing before she could hold a pen properly, and never stopped. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with a chaotic menagerie of pets and family members, and ventures out in the summer to kayak and camp along Puget Sound. I Am Still Alive was her YA debut, followed by Rules for Vanishing. Visit her online at and follow her on Twitter @kmarshallarts.


書名 / Rules For Vanishing
作者 / Kate Alice Marshall
簡介 / Rules For Vanishing:一個流傳於小鎮多年的傳說,一條有膽就得繼續走下去的神秘道路…BriarGlen小鎮的森林裡,有一年出現了一條路,女鬼LucyGallows在路的盡頭向到訪者致
ISBN13 / 9780593115428
ISBN10 / 0593115422
EAN / 9780593115428
誠品26碼 / 2681771105002
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無