My Five Senses | 誠品線上

My Five Senses

作者 Aliki
商品描述 My Five Senses:每天,張開眼睛,我看到故事書,看到太陽、星星、月亮;我的耳朵,聽到鬧鐘聲、鼓聲和媽咪使用攪拌器的聲音。我的手,可以摸摸小貓柔軟的毛,可以碰碰好冷


內容簡介 每天,張開眼睛,我看到故事書,看到太陽、星星、月亮;我的耳朵,聽到鬧鐘聲、鼓聲和媽咪使用攪拌器的聲音。我的手,可以摸摸小貓柔軟的毛,可以碰碰好冷好冷的冰塊;我用鼻子,聞麥片香、花香、餅乾香,若到動物園還能聞到臭鼬的臭味呢!最常用的是我的嘴巴,喝果汁、啃蘋果,還能舔幾口冰淇淋呢! 我的五官,帶我體驗不同的世界。當我和狗狗玩時,用了不同的五官---眼睛 耳朵、鼻子和觸覺,吃美食時更是,眼睛看、鼻子聞、手摸、嘴巴嚐,你是不是也一樣呢? 科學,就在生活裡。My Five Senses適合4-6歲孩童,也是在家自學的好選擇。插畫家為《我的感覺》Aliki,從1960年開始,為科學類童書插畫已有60多本。本書為Let's-Read-and-Find-Out 科學系列書系列1,該系列目標對焦common core learning standards ﹙共同核心標準計畫﹚和Next Generation Science Standards,文字難度為小學生閱讀而設計,易於閱讀,同時啟蒙科學觀念。Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out系列更贏得美國科學協會獎 ﹙American Association for the Advancement of Science﹚。Sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch—our five senses teach us about our world. Beloved author-illustrator Aliki’s simple, engaging text and colorful artwork show young readers how they use their senses to smell a rose or play with a puppy.Now rebranded with a new cover look, this bestselling picture book invites young readers to use each of their five senses to explore the world around them. Both text and artwork were expert-reviewed for accuracy.As Children's Books and Their Creators put it: Aliki "treats complex topics clearly and succinctly while providing lively pictures, with informative details and humorous elements often appearing in 'balloons.' " Aliki's books continue to speak to today's young readers.This is a Level 1 Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out, which means the book explores introductory concepts perfect for children in the primary grades and supports the Common Core Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out is the winner of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Subaru Science Books & Films Prize for Outstanding Science Series."


書名 / My Five Senses
作者 / Aliki
簡介 / My Five Senses:每天,張開眼睛,我看到故事書,看到太陽、星星、月亮;我的耳朵,聽到鬧鐘聲、鼓聲和媽咪使用攪拌器的聲音。我的手,可以摸摸小貓柔軟的毛,可以碰碰好冷
ISBN13 / 9780062381927
ISBN10 / 006238192X
EAN / 9780062381927
誠品26碼 / 2681701879003
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4X20X0CM
級別 / N:無
