內容簡介 NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIESAs the three Baudelaire orphans warily approach their new home Prufrock Preparatory School, they can't help but notice the enormous stone arch bearing the school's motto Memento Mori or "Remember you will die."This is not a cheerful greeting and certainly marks an inauspicious beginning to a very bleak story just as we have come to expect from Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, the deliciously morbid set of books that began with The Bad Beginning and only got worse.
各界推薦 波特萊爾的冒險(A Series of Unfortunate Events)第五集。波特萊爾三姊弟被趕出鋸木廠後,來到Prufrock預備學校,看似脫離歐拉夫伯爵魔掌的三人卻必須忍受副校長Nero的魔音穿腦和同學的嘲弄。某日學校來了一位體育教練,從此三姊弟開始悲慘的命運。看來一連串不幸的事件還沒結束。 神秘作家 Lemony Snicket Lemony Snicket原名Daniel Handler,以《A Series of Unfortunate Events》成為美國首位將哈利波特擠下《紐約時報》暢銷書榜首的人氣作家。作家1970年生於舊金山,1999年出版以三個孤兒為題材的《The Bad Begining》,從此一炮而紅。作家刻意營造神秘悲慘、令人不悅氛圍,書中字彙豐富,充滿揶揄、嘲諷意味,和一般的兒童文學大不相同,如果你喜歡美好的故事結局,千萬別看此書!