Three Days Missing | 誠品線上

Three Days Missing

作者 Kimberly Belle
商品描述 Three Days Missing:THOSECLOSESTTOUSAREOFTENTHEMOSTDANGEROUS…WhenKateJenkinsawakenstothepoliceonherdoorstep,hergreatestfearasaparentisrealized.Hernine-year-old


內容簡介 THOSE CLOSEST TO US ARE OFTEN THE MOST DANGEROUS…When Kate Jenkins awakens to the police on her doorstep, her greatest fear as a parent is realized. Her nine-year-old son, Ethan, is missing—vanished from the cabin where he’d been on an overnight class trip. Shocked and distraught, Kat rushes to the campground, but there is still no sign of her son.Another mother from the school, Stef Huntington, is living a picture-perfect life with money, prominence in the community, a popular son and a loving husband. She hardly knows Kat but has heard the vicious gossip that swirls around Kat’s traumatic past. As the police investigation unfolds and her path crosses with Kat’s, Ethan’s disappearance has earth-shattering consequences for Stef. The two mothers must race against the clock to find Ethan, and with their desperate search comes a terrifying question—who is safe to trust?


書名 / Three Days Missing
作者 / Kimberly Belle
簡介 / Three Days Missing:THOSECLOSESTTOUSAREOFTENTHEMOSTDANGEROUS…WhenKateJenkinsawakenstothepoliceonherdoorstep,hergreatestfearasaparentisrealized.Hernine-year-old
ISBN13 / 9780778308539
ISBN10 / 0778308537
EAN / 9780778308539
誠品26碼 / 2681772634006
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.9X10.4X2.4CM
級別 / N:無