Robert Dahl's Democracy and Its Critics | 誠品線上

Robert Dahl's Democracy and Its Critics

作者 Astrid Noren Nilsson/ Elizabeth Morrow/ Riley Quinn
商品描述 Robert Dahl's Democracy and Its Critics:Therearefewbetterexamplesofanalysis–thecriticalthinkingskillofunderstandinghowanargumentisbuilt–thanRobertDahl’sDemo


內容簡介 There are few better examples of analysis – the critical thinking skill of understanding how an argument is built – than Robert Dahl’s Democracy and its Critics. In this work, the American political theorist closely analyzes the democratic political system and then evaluates whether the arguments that are in favor of it are, in fact, rigorous. ¶Dahl sets out to describe democracy’s merits and problems, asking if it really is the worthwhile political system we believe it to be. Knowing that the idea of democracy is now almost universally popular, his detailed analysis leads him to look at a number of regimes that claim to be democratic but do not, in truth, practice democracy. But Dahl is not only interested in uncovering uncomfortable truths. He goes further and creates a set of standards by which we can all decide whether a country really is democratic. Dahl’s analysis of the evidence leads him to conclude that the following criteria must be met for a regime to be considered truly democratic: elected officials control policy-making; there are free and fair elections of officials; everyone must have a right to vote; everyone has the right to run for office; there is freedom of speech; alternative information is available; and people can form free, independent political groups.


書名 / Robert Dahl's Democracy and Its Critics
作者 / Astrid Noren Nilsson Elizabeth Morrow Riley Quinn
簡介 / Robert Dahl's Democracy and Its Critics:Therearefewbetterexamplesofanalysis–thecriticalthinkingskillofunderstandinghowanargumentisbuilt–thanRobertDahl’sDemo
ISBN13 / 9781912127344
ISBN10 / 1912127342
EAN / 9781912127344
誠品26碼 / 2681598970005
頁數 / 98
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0.6CM
級別 / N:無
