L'art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life | 誠品線上

L'art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life

作者 Dominique Loreau
商品描述 L'art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life:透過列清單的藝術,發現改變人生的神奇魔法法國知名隨筆作家多明妮克‧洛羅分享如何讓生活更簡單、豐富及井


內容簡介 透過列清單的藝術,發現改變人生的神奇魔法法國知名隨筆作家多明妮克‧洛羅分享如何讓生活更簡單、豐富及井然有序看似不起眼的清單卻有大大改變生活的神奇魔法。法國作家多明妮克‧洛羅繼暢銷書《理想簡單的生活》分享簡單生活所帶來的意義與美好,這次將分享列清單的藝術。內容直接、簡潔及精準,清單將幫助我們學會組織及節省時間,更能明瞭地處理及看清事實。但為何我們的人生總是有處理不完的代辦事項,又該如何解決呢?作者多明妮克‧洛羅在日本生活數十年後,成為一位斬斷雜念和立志追求簡化藝術的大師。現在她將注意力轉向如何完成更完美的人生清單,展示如何有效組織生活和結合智慧善用列表的力量。這本實用、鼓舞人心的作品將帶領讀者逐步走向達到高生產力,直接影響生活的各個面向,包括家庭關係、飲食和美容,甚至到心理健康和自我意識。完美的人生清單藝術是為了過上更簡單、豐富及有條理的生活方式,本書絕對是新年新氣象的最佳選擇。 DISCOVER THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF LISTS IN THIS INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLERThe humble list has the power to change your life. In its immediacy, its simplicity and its concise, contained form, the list enables us to organise, to save time and to approach facts with clarity. Yet why do we end up with interminable To Do Lists that are never completed?After decades living in Japan, Dominique Loreau has become a master in the art of de-cluttering and simplifying. Now, in L'art de la Liste - a huge bestseller in her native France and translated into English for the first time - she turns her attentions to better list-making, showing you how to organise them and use them intelligently.Taking you on a step-by-step journey to greater productivity, this practical, inspiring book influences every aspect of your life - from home, diet and beauty to mental health and self-awareness.To perfect the art of the list is to live simpler, richer and more organised lives.


書名 / L'art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life
作者 / Dominique Loreau
簡介 / L'art de la Liste: Simplify, Organise and Enrich Your Life:透過列清單的藝術,發現改變人生的神奇魔法法國知名隨筆作家多明妮克‧洛羅分享如何讓生活更簡單、豐富及井
ISBN13 / 9781409182917
ISBN10 / 1409182916
EAN / 9781409182917
誠品26碼 / 2681675611005
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.2X13.6X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
