Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide | 誠品線上

Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide

作者 Vanessa Grall
出版社 Roads Publishing
商品描述 Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide:「我很確定我和你有個共同點,那就是我們都不是觀光客……,而這不是一本旅遊手冊,把我想成你在巴黎的新旅伴


內容簡介 「我很確定我和你有個共同點,那就是我們都不是觀光客……,而這不是一本旅遊手冊,把我想成你在巴黎的新旅伴、你最親近的巴黎密友、永遠喝不完的紅酒,現在這些故事都是你的了!」─凡妮莎‧高爾七年前,倫敦女孩凡妮莎‧高爾收拾行囊來到巴黎,她馬上愛上了這個城市,開了一個部落格MessyNessyChic.com紀錄自己的巴黎生活,凡妮莎說自己的好奇心特別重,走過一扇特別的門,絕對不會放過探探另一頭是否有納尼亞存在的可能性,因為她總能發現特別、不落俗套的地方,部落格有超過一百五十多萬的訪客,社交軟體也都有超過四十萬的追蹤者。這本書就是將凡妮莎這七年來在巴黎生活的經驗,以不同主題整理資訊分享給讀者,你可以跟著凡妮莎一起,擺脫頭頂「觀光客」的大招牌,像個在地人一樣逛巴黎,找到最有味道的建築、累了就躲在凡妮莎私藏的咖啡館裡休息、補充體力晚上可以再到地下墓穴跳舞,體會奧黛莉‧赫本曾說的「Paris is always a good idea」。●Off-beat, eclectic guide to Paris from famed blogger Vanessa Grall - creator of●Nessy shows you how to walk Paris's streets like a local: find the most eccentric architecture, get cozy in hidden cafes, party in the catacombs, tour the city with a broken heart, and wander like a true bohemian●A lively, eccentric and esoteric guide to the hidden Paris of your dreams, from an outsider who's made it her homeVanessa Grall is a London girl who moved to Paris and never looked back. Her blog Messy Nessy Chic is described as a 'chic cabinet of curiosities', and it records her bohemian adventures in the city. Her eye for style, both classic and kitsch, has won her a huge, dedicated following, with over 1.5 million unique visitors to her website per month, and 400,000 subscribers on social media.In addition, Vanessa's charisma has seen her profiled in Porter, Vogue, Conde Nast Traveller, and The Daily Mail.Don't be a Tourist is Grall's off-beat guide to her adopted home, in which she looks past the cliches and tourist traps, and uncovers the true heart of Paris. Join her to walk in Hemingway's footsteps, to uncover catacomb parties, and to find the city's most authentic dishes. With tips for visiting on a shoestring, with your parents, or with a broken heart, Don't be a Tourist in Paris is a uniquely warm and insightful guide that affirms Audrey Hepburn's famous statement that 'Paris is always a good idea.'1. The Paris Runaways2. Paris like it is in the Movies (and on Instagram)3. Anywhere but the Louvre4. Lonely Hearts Club5. I hate to say I'm a hipster but...6. I Know this Great Little Place7. Parents are Coming to Town8. Paris in Wonderland: Down the Deep, Dark Rabbit Hole9. 10 Hour Layover10. Forget Pinterest Paris


作者介紹 Vanessa GrallVanessa Grall is a London girl who moved to Paris and never looked back. Passionate about Parisian history and culture, coupled with her keen eye for contemporary design and trend, Vanessa created the site, detailing her adventures in Paris, and much more besides. The site is a runaway success and has 1.5 million unique visitors per month!


書名 / Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide
作者 / Vanessa Grall
簡介 / Don't Be a Tourist in Paris: The Messy Nessy Chic Guide:「我很確定我和你有個共同點,那就是我們都不是觀光客……,而這不是一本旅遊手冊,把我想成你在巴黎的新旅伴
出版社 / Roads Publishing
ISBN13 / 9781909399976
ISBN10 / 1909399973
EAN / 9781909399976
誠品26碼 / 2681510987005
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22X16CM
級別 / N:無