English for Your Career 1 (+MP3) | 誠品線上

English for Your Career 1 (+MP3)

作者 Tae Kudo / Joseph Henley
出版社 台灣東華書局股份有限公司
商品描述 English for Your Career 1 (+MP3):Book1ofthenewseriesEnglishforyourCareerisdesignedtoassistpre-intermediatelearnersofEnglishinadaptingtotheirworkplaceenvironmen


內容簡介 Book 1 of the new series English for your Career is designed to assist pre-intermediate learners of English in adapting to their workplace environment. English for your career includes a variety of topics that are specifically tailored for today's learners. The series is ideal for learners who are just entering the workforce or simply woruld like to take their career to the next level.


作者介紹 Tae Kudo、Joseph Henley


書名 / English for Your Career 1 (+MP3)
作者 / Tae Kudo Joseph Henley
簡介 / English for Your Career 1 (+MP3):Book1ofthenewseriesEnglishforyourCareerisdesignedtoassistpre-intermediatelearnersofEnglishinadaptingtotheirworkplaceenvironmen
出版社 / 台灣東華書局股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789869586122
ISBN10 / 9869586120
EAN / 9789869586122
誠品26碼 / 2681565253001
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28X21X0.7CM
級別 / N:無
