Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book | 誠品線上

Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book

作者 Dan Harris
商品描述 Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book:明星主播丹‧哈里斯繼《快樂,多10%就足夠》,推出全方位冥想指南分享如何運用冥想的力量,遠離嘈雜的紛擾


內容簡介 明星主播丹‧哈里斯繼《快樂,多10%就足夠》,推出全方位冥想指南分享如何運用冥想的力量,遠離嘈雜的紛擾「這是一本結合詳盡研究、實用資訊和滿滿的專家建議,當然更少不了玩世不恭和幽默的對談,絕對令你愛不釋手!」─暢銷書《四傾向人格分類法》、《過的還不錯的一年:我的快樂生活提案》作者葛瑞琴‧魯賓美國ABC新聞台主播丹‧哈里斯曾對熱愛冥想的人們有既定印象,以為只是一群熱愛收集水晶、玩終極飛盤,還有以「namaste」當作口頭禪的團體。直到某次新聞直播現場引發恐慌症發作,也因此展開他奇妙又曲折的人生之旅,促使他成為冥想運動的推廣者,及冥想應用的創始者之一。冥想有許多優點:科學研究發現冥想會降的血壓、減輕沮喪和焦慮感,甚至重整大腦思路。儘管有超過百萬人曾嘗試透過冥想改善生活,卻始終沒有實際操作,到底阻礙他們冥想的原因又是什麼?書中將透過更多實務經驗分享和練習,帶領冥想初學者和有經驗者一同重新感受冥想的力量。丹‧哈里斯和他的好友Jeff Warren租了一台巡迴巴士,穿越美國18州,和各式各樣不同的人們交談及教導冥想,幫助他們度過人生的各種難關。書中收錄各種冥想練習及課程說明,幫助讀者紓解壓力,在喧囂煩躁的生活中重獲身心靈救贖。ABC News anchor Dan Harris used to think that meditation was for people who collect crystals, play Ultimate Frisbee, and use the word "namaste" without irony. After he had a panic attack on live television, he went on a strange and circuitous journey that ultimately led him to become one of meditation's most vocal public proponents. Here's what he's fixated on now: Science suggests that meditation can lower blood pressure, mitigate depression and anxiety, and literally rewire key parts of the brain, among numerous other benefits. And yet there are millions of people who want to meditate but aren't actually practising. What's holding them back? In this guide to mindfulness and meditation for beginners and experienced meditators alike, Harris and his friend Jeff Warren, embark on a cross-country quest to tackle the myths, misconceptions, and self-deceptions that stop people from meditating. They rent a rock-star tour bus and travel across eighteen states, talking to scores of would-be meditators, including parents, police officers, and even a few celebrities. They create a taxonomy of the most common issues ("I suck at this," "I don't have the time," etc.) and offer up science-based life hacks to help people overcome them. The book is filled with game-changing and deeply practical meditation instructions. Amid it all unspools the strange and hilarious story of what happens when a congenitally sarcastic, type-A journalist and a groovy Canadian mystic embark on an epic road trip into America's neurotic underbelly, as well as their own.


作者介紹 Dan Harris Dan Harris is a correspondent for ABC News and the co-anchor for the weekend edition of Good Morning America. Before that, he was the anchor of the Sunday edition of World News. This is his second book.


書名 / Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book
作者 / Dan Harris
簡介 / Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics: A 10% Happier How-To Book:明星主播丹‧哈里斯繼《快樂,多10%就足夠》,推出全方位冥想指南分享如何運用冥想的力量,遠離嘈雜的紛擾
ISBN13 / 9781473691384
ISBN10 / 1473691389
EAN / 9781473691384
誠品26碼 / 2681593732004
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5X2.4CM
級別 / N:無