內容簡介 活在當下!西方靈修導師暢銷經典作品,不僅登上紐約時報排行榜榜首,更被譯為三十二種語言在各國發行,改變無數人的命運,影響深遠,被推崇為當代影響力最大的心靈引導作品!作者提到閱讀這本書的首要之事,就是放下自我批判、分析的態度,拋棄自己本位的意識,觀看、了解自己的心靈世界,由內找到自發的平靜和祥和,讓生命充滿喜樂並和他人建立長久的和諧關係。我們並不如自己所想像的那麼脆弱,很多問題答案都在自己很上,而這一切都環繞著「當下」的意識,而決定自己是否能過得更好。學者以第三者的角度看待自己,感受自身的完整與美好,全心進入「當下」這一刻,從中獲得更多力量。這一切改變並不容易,就像是登山的人在高處會覺得難以呼吸一樣,改善自我想法、提昇自己的心靈高度一開始也會讓人無法適應,但作者在書中以最簡單的語言引導讀者,並採用問答方式為讀者解答疑難問題,像是路標一樣,一路指引行進的方向。The phenomenal bestselling self-help book of its generation - for spiritual followers of the Dalai Lama and Deepak Chopra. Eckhart Tolle demonstrates how to live a healthier and happier life by living in the present moment.To make the journey into The Power of Now we will need to leave our analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language and a question and answer format to guide us.Surrender to the present moment, where problems do not exist. It is here we find our joy, are able to embrace our true selves and discover that we are already complete and perfect. If we are able to be fully present and take each step in the Now we will be opening ourselves to the transforming experience of THE POWER OF NOW. It's a book to be revisited again and again.