內容簡介 《失樂園》是一部基督教史詩,真正的主題並不是戰爭、命運、與人生的無奈,而是上帝對人類的憐憫及人類的偉大希望。其間處理的問題,無論是天地的創造、宇 宙的秩序、男尊女卑、墮落的責任,都代表密爾頓對舊約故事的詮釋。主角亞當及夏娃雖然缺乏阿基里士等名將萬人矚目的英雄風采,卻突顯了基督教所推崇的恭順 服從美德及懺悔贖罪精神,進一步肯定神對人的憐憫及恩典,成功地表達了「向世人昭示天道的公正」的主題。本書介出自桂冠圖書股份有限公司出版《失樂園》“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.”Blind, broken by the death of his wife and bitterly disappointed by the Restoration, Milton dictated his sweeping biblical epic Paradise Lost to a series of helpers. While the struggle between God and Satan rages across the cosmos, the human tragedy of Adam and Eve – the temptation and fall – is movingly depicted in language unsurpassed in its musicality and beauty.A staggering and audacious undertaking – seeking, in Milton's words, to “justify the ways of God to men” – Paradise Lost has been revered since its initial publication, inspiring writers from Mary Shelley to William Wordsworth, and is widely considered to be the greatest poem ever written in the English language.
作者介紹 John Milton John Milton (1608–74) is best known for his epic masterpiece Paradise Lost and for his commitment to the republican cause. He wrote the crucial justifications for the trial and execution of King Charles I and was Secretary for Foreign Tongues, thus becoming the voice of the revolution. His influence on English literature can only be rivalled by Shakespeare.