Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong | 誠品線上

Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong

作者 Christopher J. Ferguson
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong:道德之戰:暴力電玩何罪之有?每個普通的美國家庭,有超過成百萬的孩童及青少年都曾接觸過電玩遊戲,例如《


內容簡介 道德之戰:暴力電玩何罪之有?每個普通的美國家庭,有超過成百萬的孩童及青少年都曾接觸過電玩遊戲,例如《決戰時刻》、《最後一戰》、《俠盜獵車手》等,玩家們漫遊在虛擬的暴力世界中,且幾乎都擁有虛擬的槍枝。看似日益暴力的真實世界中,我們是否應該認為造就這些暴力發生的主要因素,和暴力電玩有直接的關係?然而作者兼心理醫師的Patrick M. Markey和Christopher J. Ferguson都認為這樣的想法是錯誤的。每當有年輕暴力犯罪者出現,媒體與政客就將矛頭指向暴力電玩遊戲。然而真正的事實是,通常這些犯罪者鮮少沉迷於電玩遊戲,現實中產生的犯罪行為也與電玩遊戲沒有直接的影響關係。但媒體與學者圍繞在這些遊戲的討論和對話,已經嚴重產生偏見與扭曲。事實上多數行為良好的兒童及青少年也常玩暴力電玩遊戲,但卻從未出現真正的暴力行為。根據研究顯示,暴力電玩遊戲的銷售越好,實際上反而造成暴力犯罪率的下降。本書作者將以科學數據分析,深入探討電玩遊戲的歷史與發展,以及電玩對於現代青少年的正面影響,揭穿大眾媒體及政客如何企圖扭曲大眾對電玩遊戲的錯誤想法。Click on the Google Preview image above to read some pages of this book!“Boom! Headshot!”In family rooms all across America, millions of children and teenagers are enjoying violent video games. Popular games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Grand Theft Auto place players in elaborate fictional worlds—often with a gun in their hands.The media and the government are quick to point fingers when it comes to young perpetrators of violence. If it becomes apparent that school shooters, for instance, may have enjoyed violent games at some point—well, those games were clearly the culprit or at least a warning sign, right?But the problem with this conclusion is that it’s not based on facts. Here’s what they’re not telling you: Only a small minority of school shooters played violent video games.If that surprises you, you’re not alone—the national dialogue around these games has become skewed and biased. On the flip side, most well-adjusted children and teenagers regularly play violent video games, while never exhibiting violent behavior in real life. What’s more, spikes in sales of violent games actually correspond with decreased rates of violent crime.The media and commentators are not giving you the whole story, and it’s time for a new conversation about these games and their role in our children’s lives.In Moral Combat, psychology experts explore how video games—including those considered violent—actually have a positive social impact for today’s youth and offer a comprehensive overview of their history, culture, and scientific research. Markey and Ferguson have been on the frontline of the violent video game debate for years, and together, they debunk the stark picture media, politicians, and other personalities tend to paint in order to sway public opinion about the impact of gaming.The general public has been misled into believing that violent video games are responsible for horrific acts of violence. With complete honesty and extensive research, the informative and often-entertaining Moral Combat lays out the facts in order to reframe this important discussion.


作者介紹 Dr. Patrick Markey Dr. Patrick Markey is a Professor of Psychology, the Director of the Interpersonal Research Laboratory at Villanova University, and a former President of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research. Dr. Patrick Markey received his doctorate from the University of California (Riverside) in social and personality psychology, with a focus on behavioral statistics. Since receiving his degree he has published over sixty book chapters and journal articles in peer-reviewed journals, and he has made hundreds of presentations at universities and at national and international scientific conferences. Among his peers, he is widely recognized as an expert on how violent video games affect our behavior, and he is regarded for being able to present complex statistical and behavioral data to a general audience in a way that is both informative and entertaining. For years Dr. Markey has been involved in educating the general public and politicians about various psychological issues related to digital media. By giving talks at universities and elementary schools he has been able to help parents, teachers, and school administrators better understand the complex research examining violent video games. Moving beyond the classroom, Dr. Markey has been invited to testify before numerous governmental committees, and he has served on various governmental task forces examining the effects of violent video games.Dr. Christopher FergusonDr. Christopher Ferguson is is a professor of psychology at Stetson University. Alongside this book, he has also written a mystery novel, Suicide Kings. Dr. Ferguson received his doctorate from the University of Central Florida in clinical psychology. Dr. Ferguson’s clinical work has focused on forensic psychology, including work with inmates, as well as juvenile detention and Child Protective Services assessments. Since receiving his degree he has published over one hundred book chapters and journal articles in peer-reviewed journals, and he has presented his research at numerous universities and scientific conferences. Along with Dr. Markey, he is internationally recognized as an expert on the topic of violent video game effects. Dr. Ferguson was part of the talks given by Vice President Biden’s task force on gun control following the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012, and he also participated in the Institute of Medicine’s hearings on the role of media violence in gun violence in 2013.


書名 / Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong
作者 / Christopher J. Ferguson
簡介 / Moral Combat: Why the War on Violent Video Games Is Wrong:道德之戰:暴力電玩何罪之有?每個普通的美國家庭,有超過成百萬的孩童及青少年都曾接觸過電玩遊戲,例如《
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781942952985
ISBN10 / 1942952988
EAN / 9781942952985
誠品26碼 / 2681496094001
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2CM
級別 / N:無