Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life | 誠品線上

怦然心動的工作整理魔法: 風靡全球的整理女王X組織心理學家, 首度跨國跨界合作

作者 近藤麻理惠/ 史考特.索南辛
商品描述 Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life:Findyourfocus-whereveryou'reworking-withJoyatWork.MarieKondo'sfirstbook,TheLife-ChangingMagicofTidying,sparkedan


內容簡介 進軍國際,重磅力作!掀起全球整理熱潮的麻理惠遇上為《財富》500大企業提供顧問服務的組織心理學家這次讓你怦然心動的,是你的工作!從工作中找到樂趣不是神奇魔法,要靠努力才能得到。但多虧有麻理惠和史考特的實用洞察,過程會更加好玩。——亞當‧格蘭特(《給予》《反叛,改變世界的力量》作者)一本教你從工作中找到樂趣的清楚指南,俯拾皆是實用的訣竅和心理學的智慧。我非常喜歡!——安琪拉‧達克沃斯(《恆毅力》作者)麻理惠和史考特對人生和工作有深刻的理解:成功的關鍵很多時候來自減法,而非加法。期望擁有怦然心動的辦公室和職業生涯並樂在其中的人,這本書就是你在尋找的答案。──艾力克斯‧班納楊(《第三道門》作者)風靡全球的整理女王+萊斯大學商學院教授&組織行為學博士「怦然心動整理法」╳「組織心理學家工作術」帶來巨大改變的工作整理心法,首度公開!★讀者狂推:「每個在工作上遇到瓶頸、想要改變、剛進職場或帶領部門的人都該讀讀這本書!」工作空間是吸引雜亂的大磁鐵──誰沒有過被浪費時間的會議、凌亂的文件、回不完的電子郵件,以及不必要的工作榨乾的經驗!這些現代職場的陷阱,不僅會慢慢磨光工作的樂趣、限制我們的職涯發展,也有害身心健康。然而,你其實可以避免這一切。在本書中,麻理惠和萊斯大學商學院教授、《讓「少」變成「巧」》作者史考特‧索南辛,進入你生活的第二個重心區──「職場」,結合真實案例、研究發現和實用技巧,從整理抽屜、桌面、實體辦公空間,到整理你的email信箱、會議、時間、人脈、決策……一步一步帶領你整理工作空間,拿回人生的主控權。結合聞名全球的怦然心動整理魔法和最新的組織行為學研究成果,本書將助你擺脫辦公室雜亂、提升工作效率、達成工作目標,享受乾淨的辦公桌和清澈的心靈所帶來的幸福感受。【本書特色】★整理女王麻理惠進軍國際重磅力作,長踞《紐約時報》排行榜及媒體版面! 《恆毅力》作者特別推薦!★麻理惠與萊斯大學管理學教授史考特‧索南辛合著,結合「怦然心動整理法」與工作術,從實際上的桌面、工作空間整理開始,進階到工作法、工作態度的整理,跳脫以往麻理惠書的居家整理主題,為廣大上班族提供工作整理魔法。★強烈推薦給工作壓力很大、想在日常生活中找到更多心動感覺的人!本中文書介出自《怦然心動的工作整理魔法: 風靡全球的整理女王X組織心理學家, 首度跨國跨界合作》方智出版社股份有限公司出版Find your focus – wherever you're working – with Joy at Work.Marie Kondo's first book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, sparked a new genre of publishing and became an international bestseller. Now, for the first time, you will be guided through the process of tidying up your work life. Whether you are unexpectedly working at home or if you have a dedicated work space or office, if you properly simplify and organize your work life once, you’ll never have to do it again.In Joy at Work, KonMari method pioneer Marie Kondo and organizational psychologist Scott Sonenshein will help you to refocus your mind on what's important at work, and as their examples show, the results can be truly life-changing. With advice on how to improve the way you work, the book features advice on problem areas including fundamentals like how to organize your desk, finally get through your emails and find balance by ditching distractions and focusing on what sparks joy.Like how the key to successful tidying in the home is by tackling clutter in the correct order, Joy at Work adapts the inspirational KonMari Method for your professional life, taking you step-by-step through your working day so that you can identify the most joyful way to work for you. Once you’ve found order in your work, you can feel empowered to find confidence, energy and motivation to create the career you want and move on from negative working practices."


作者介紹 Marie KondoMarie Kondo is a tidying expert, bestselling author, star of Netflix's hit show, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, and founder of KonMari Media, Inc. Enchanted with organizing since her childhood, Marie began her tidying consultant business as a nineteen-year-old university student in Tokyo. Today, Marie is a renowned tidying expert helping people around the world to transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration. In her #1 New York Times bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying, Marie took tidying to a whole new level, teaching that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you'll never have to do it again. Marie has been featured in Time magazine, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Times, Vogue, The Ellen Show as well as on more than fifty major Japanese television and radio programs. She has also been named one of Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World. Scott Sonenshein Scott Sonenshein is an organizational psychologist and professor at Rice University. He is the author of Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less-And Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined. His award winning research, teaching, and speaking has helped Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals in industries such as technology, energy, healthcare, retail, education, banking, manufacturing, and non-profits. Scott has written for the New York Times, Time Magazine, Fast Company and Harvard Business Review.


書名 / Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life
作者 / 近藤麻理惠 史考特.索南辛
簡介 / Joy at Work: Organizing Your Professional Life:Findyourfocus-whereveryou'reworking-withJoyatWork.MarieKondo'sfirstbook,TheLife-ChangingMagicofTidying,sparkedan
ISBN13 / 9781529005370
ISBN10 / 152900537X
EAN / 9781529005370
誠品26碼 / 2681867892007
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.3X14.1X2.9CM
級別 / N:無