Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time | 誠品線上

Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time

作者 Sarah Harvey
商品描述 Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time:'Thisbeautiful,simplebooksuggeststinychangeswecanmaketoimproveallareasoflife,from


內容簡介 日本當紅自我管理新概念─「Kaizen持續改進」持續改善,變得更好,一小步一小步持續前進,徹底改變自我人生 從近藤麻里惠的怦然心動的人生整理魔法,到丹麥人的樂活密碼Hygge和日本的Ikigai法則,幫助人們改變自我的哲學早已風靡全球。而日本現今最當紅的自我管理概念Kaizen持續改進,將幫助你徹底改變不好的習慣。 本書搭配豐富的插圖與圖解說明,幫助讀者建立良好習慣,徹底移除惡習,但又不會為自己帶來過度的壓力,一點一滴中持續改善自我。Kaizen持續改進的重點在於要有耐心,塑造適合自己的方式,而不是一昧跟風,或在遭遇瓶頸時而放棄,與其批評自己的錯誤,不如更加積極改變自己。而持續改善法則在企業管理及體壇都是提高自我目標的最佳方法,如此有效的管理法則當然也適用於個人自我管理,而不會因為改變就感到恐慌與疲倦。 作者Sarah Harvey為讀者量身打造彈性且可有效運用於日常生活的方法,不論是健康、人際關係、財務、事業、生活習慣或興趣皆適用,更可依照個人的需求及喜好調整模式。'This beautiful, simple book suggests tiny changes we can make to improve all areas of life, from friendships to a cluttered flat. Unlike a lot of self-improvement guides . . . reading it made me feel calmer and at the same time motivated to sort out my cupboards and call my auntie; small tweaks maybe, but these things can make the difference between a good day and a bad one.' Marianne Power, author of Help Me!A gorgeously illustrated introduction to the Japanese method of Kaizen - meaning 'change' 'good' – showing you how to make small, step-by-step changes to transform your life.From Marie Kondo to Hygge to Ikigai, in recent years, philosophies to help people live better lives have taken the world by storm. Kaizen will change your habits for good.This beautifully colour illustrated and photographed book offers a way to build good habits and remove bad ones, without being too hard on yourself along the way. The focus is on having patience, shaping solutions for yourself rather than following others and not giving up when things aren't working. Rather than being critical of your faults, the emphasis is on mindful, positive change. Well-known in the business and sports worlds as a method for mapping incremental goals, Kaizen is also a wonderful tool for slowly improving aspects of your life, without feeling daunted or overwhelmed by the challenge.Kaizen by Sarah Harvey brings you a personalized and flexible approach to change that you can apply to any area of your life (whether it is health, relationships, money, career, habits, new hobbies or general wellbeing). You can adapt it to suit working style, preferences and personality. Every person’s experience of Kaizen will be different, which is what makes it such an effective tool for positive change.


作者介紹 Sarah HarveyIn September 2017 Sarah Harvey packed up her London life and moved to Tokyo, where she worked as a freelance book scout and publishing consultant for two Japanese literary agencies, Tuttle Mori Agency and The English Agency. Sarah now lives in London, selling book translation rights for over a decade, in all types of genres. She has worked on many bestselling non-fiction authors and brands, as diverse as Joe Wicks, The School of Life, BKS Iyengar, Deliciously Ella, The Dalai Lama, Tony Buzan, Cathy Rentzenbrink and Russell Brand.


書名 / Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time
作者 / Sarah Harvey
簡介 / Kaizen: The Japanese Method for Transforming Habits, One Small Step at a Time:'Thisbeautiful,simplebooksuggeststinychangeswecanmaketoimproveallareasoflife,from
ISBN13 / 9781529005356
ISBN10 / 1529005353
EAN / 9781529005356
誠品26碼 / 2681781938003
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.6X13.2X2.8CM
級別 / N:無