內容簡介 ★Goodreads書評網近5星好評!Amazon.com超過3萬名讀者給予5星好評!★熱銷全球!上市前登上Amazon總榜冠軍,在英上市當周銷量超越哈利波特!★人氣美食瘦身社群Pinch of Nom!FB近200萬追蹤,IG破100萬追蹤!★在英上市兩年,現仍長據Amazon暢銷書排行榜前十名、健康飲食榜冠軍!【風靡歐美的居家瘦身料理!作者搭配書中料理瘦身,一年狂甩40公斤!】 本書作者凱特・艾琳森(Kate Allinson)和凱・費澤史東(Kay Featherstone)過去曾在英國共同經營餐館,在工作壓力與生活習慣的變異之下,倆人的健康與體重都亮起紅燈。然而她們發現多數的「低卡」瘦身料理不僅昂貴、口味平淡,種類更是乏善可陳,因此對美食擁有專業與堅持的她們,決定開啟一個美食部落格「Pinch of Nom」,鑽研、創造並且分享健康美味又能瘦身的料理食譜。 如今「Pinch of Nom」已經發展成近200萬人長期關注的人氣烹飪社群,並且隨著成員增加而開創出更多樣化的美味瘦身料理。兩位作者在撰寫本書的過程中,搭配書中的料理瘦身,更成功在一年間分別減去了25、44公斤!風靡歐美的「Pinch of Nom」居家料理,每道都由成員們親身試過,並且標有適合各種需求的各項指標,保證好吃又不胖!【低熱量×高飽足×省時簡便×種類多樣×口感美味=前所未見的饗瘦美味!】「Pinch of Nom」的創辦人為受過訓練的專業廚師,在觀察食譜跟料理之後,將饕客們最愛的菜餚重新打造,轉換成健康又美味的料理──將關鍵食材替換成低卡路里的食材,轉換烹飪方式以降低熱量,同時也精心設計香料調味,提升瘦身料理的風味。另外也特別標示出適合「素食主義者」與正在進行「無麩質飲食法」的料理選擇!從快速的早餐、快速上餐的午餐,工作中的零食、下班後的「偽」外帶食物、周末的烤肉大餐和甜點……「想健康瘦又想吃美食」的你所需要的一切,全都收羅在本書內,天天都能饗瘦美味!◎ 烹飪方式省時簡便,食材容易取得不浪費!本書中每道料理皆使用基本的食材和技巧,即使為烹飪新手也能輕易上手,並且都能在30分鐘以內完成!同時力求使食材得以「一用再用」,避免產生櫥子裡殘留過多派不上用場的食材的窘境。◎ 真實可靠!經「Pinch of Nom」開發和眾多成員測試!「Pinch of Nom」的宗旨為「瘦身食譜必須永遠真實且可靠」。相較於眾多廣為流傳、未經測試、使用圖庫圖片的其他瘦身食譜,本書的每份食譜在開發、製作、測試和攝影的過程中,皆竭力不為了美學而扭曲真實。◎ 低熱量+高飽足!適度調配才能持之以恆,邊吃邊瘦!「Pinch of Nom」所設計的日常飲食皆擁有較低的熱量較低與較高的飽足感,同時更設計出低熱量版本的甜點與零食,與一般甜點相比,口感私毫不遜色!你也可以無痛瘦身,不必再因為嘴饞而前功盡棄!本中文書介出自《吃樂好瘦的饗瘦美味聖經: 風靡歐美的100道低熱量×高飽足×超美味居家瘦身料理, 前所未見的健康佳餚!》尖端出版出版THE #1 FASTEST SELLING NON-FICTION BOOK IN THE UKSlimming food has never tasted so good; the must-have first cookbook from the UK's most visited food blog.Sharing delicious home-style recipes with a hugely engaged online community, Pinch of Nom has helped millions of people to cook well and lose weight. The Pinch of Nom cookbook can help novice and experienced home cooks enjoy exciting, flavourful and satisfying meals. Accessible to everyone by not including diet points, all of these recipes are compatible with the principles of the UK's most popular diet programmes.There are 100 incredible recipes in the book, 33 of which are vegetarian. Each recipe has been tried and tested by twenty Pinch of Nom community members to ensure it is healthy, full of flavour and incredibly easy to make. Whether it’s Cumberland Pie, Mediterranean Chicken Orzo, Mexican Chilli Beef or Chicken Balti, this food is so good you’ll never guess the calorie count. This book does not include ‘values’ from mainstream diet programmes as these are everchanging. Instead the recipes are labelled with helpful icons to guide you towards the ones that suit you best – whether you’re looking for something veggie, fancy a fakeaway, want to feed a family of four or have limited time to spare.Kate Allinson and Kay Featherstone owned a restaurant together in The Wirral, where Kate was head chef. Together they created the Pinch of Nom blog with the aim of teaching people how to cook. They began sharing healthy, slimming recipes and today Pinch of Nom is the UK's most visited food blog with an active and engaged online community of over 1.5 million followers.Showing that dieting should never be a barrier to good food, Pinch of Nom is the go-to home cookbook for mouthwatering meals that tick all the boxes."