Pope Francis in His Own Words | 誠品線上

Pope Francis in His Own Words

作者 Julie Schwietert Col
商品描述 Pope Francis in His Own Words:現任天主教宗方濟各語錄。本書廣泛收集教宗方濟各寫作與演說的金句,展現他對天主教會關於各種道德議題的看法。當方濟各在2013年3月獲選為


內容簡介 現任天主教宗方濟各語錄。本書廣泛收集教宗方濟各寫作與演說的金句,展現他對天主教會關於各種道德議題的看法。當方濟各在2013年3月獲選為教宗,他以發自內心的謙遜,以及誓言將貧困之人納入他任務核心的承諾,而贏得了世界各地天主教徒的心。方濟各本名喬治.馬里奧.柏格里奧,是第265任,也是1200年來首位非歐洲裔的天主教宗,他鼓勵人們過更簡單的生活,將天主教更慈悲的面貌顯現在世人面前,為教會帶來嶄新的希望。長久以來,教宗展現簡單與關心窮人的信仰,在布宜諾斯艾利斯擔任樞機主教期間,他搭公車上班,拒絕住進如宮殿般的寓所,反而讓一群貧苦的傳教士入住。這本方濟各語錄讓天主教與非天主教徒深思現任教宗在各類議題的看法。A wide-ranging collection of quotes from the new Pope’s writings and speeches, revealing his opinions on the moral issues surrounding the Catholic Church today.Pope Francis won the hearts of Catholics all over the world when he was elected in March 2013, with his natural humility and commitment to putting those who are poor at the centre of his mission.Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the 265th successor of St Peter and the first non-European Pope in over 1200 years – has encouraged people to live simpler lives and shown the world a more compassionate face of Catholicism, bringing fresh hope for a renewal in the Church.In his own life, he has long demonstrated both his belief in simplicity and his concern for those who are poor, refusing to live in palatial accommodation during his tenure as a cardinal in Buenos Aires, riding the bus to work and even persuading the diocese to allow a group of poor missionaries to live in the official residence.‘Pope Francis in His Own Words’ has been compiled to give Catholics and non-Catholics alike an insight into the thoughts of the new pontiff.


書名 / Pope Francis in His Own Words
作者 / Julie Schwietert Col
簡介 / Pope Francis in His Own Words:現任天主教宗方濟各語錄。本書廣泛收集教宗方濟各寫作與演說的金句,展現他對天主教會關於各種道德議題的看法。當方濟各在2013年3月獲選為
ISBN13 / 9780008327606
ISBN10 / 0008327602
EAN / 9780008327606
誠品26碼 / 2681741472004
頁數 / 192
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.4X10X1.3CM
級別 / N:無