NYC Guide for Instagrammers | 誠品線上

NYC Guide for Instagrammers

作者 Silvie Bonne
商品描述 NYC Guide for Instagrammers:IG迷的紐約必拍必訪導覽手冊收錄所有非去不可的景點及不可錯過的必拍重點,跟著這本書的內容走,包你的IG粉絲數暴增●紐約是IG上的打卡冠軍


內容簡介 IG迷的紐約必拍必訪導覽手冊收錄所有非去不可的景點及不可錯過的必拍重點,跟著這本書的內容走,包你的IG粉絲數暴增●紐約是IG上的打卡冠軍城市,行政區、建築、博物館和天際線每天吸引超過千人的IG玩家,這本導覽手冊絕對是新一代城市旅行家、IG粉和攝影愛好者的最佳指南。●新穎、創新而且忠於原創,結合最有趣的資訊和驚豔的視覺,絕對能為你的IG帳號創造獨特且吸睛效果。●內容包括IG拍攝的獨家小技巧、趣聞,哪裡有最棒的咖啡和美食、去哪購物和必訪展覽這是一本獨一無二的城市導覽手冊:時髦又時尚、訊息豐富且玩味十足。內容提供讀者超過100個最令人印象深刻且美麗的場景,當然少不了經典景點:布魯克林大橋、中央車站、自由島和中央公園。還有最重要的隱藏景點、當地人才知道的小店和「新經典景點」等。內容包括:曼哈頓下城;下城和中城之間;中城;上城:布魯克林區;皇后區;史泰登島;IG拍攝小技巧;最值得記錄的紐約活動;紐約專屬主題標籤。 ●New York is the most Instagrammed city in the world, its boroughs, buildings, museums and skyline attracting Instagrammers by the thousands. NYC Guide for Instagrammers is nothing short of the perfect guide for the next-generation city trippers, Instagram aficionados and photography enthusiasts●New, fresh, and highly original, the combination of fun information and impressive visuals in this book is truly unique and appeals to the ever-growing Instagram community●Includes Instagram tips and tricks, fun facts, and lists of what's in the neighborhood - where to have coffee and food, where to shop, and what to seeNYC Guide for Instagrammers is a one-of-a-kind guide to the Big Apple: hip and trendy, up-to-date, informative and playful. The book provides the reader with no less than a hundred scenic and impressive 'Instagrammable' spots in New York. Of course, some classics have been included - Brooklyn Bridge, Grand Central, Liberty Island, Central Park - but most of all, the reader will be introduced to hidden gems, known only to locals, and to 'new classics', relatively new landmarks on the verge of becoming some of the biggest attractions New York has to offer.Contents: Lower Manhattan; Between Downtown and Midtown; Midtown; Uptown; Brooklyn; Queens; The Islands; Insta Tips & Tricks; NYC Insta-Worthy Events; NYC Hashtags.


作者介紹 Silvie Bonne is a Belgian photographer currently living in New York with her husband and teenage son. She has lived in the middle of the rumble, namely Hell's Kitchen, and is currently residing in Queens, with a wonderful view of the Manhattan skyline. Every day, Silvie sets out to explore the concrete jungle, armed with a Nikon and an iPhone. And every day, the city manages to surprise her. Over and over again.


書名 / NYC Guide for Instagrammers
作者 / Silvie Bonne
簡介 / NYC Guide for Instagrammers:IG迷的紐約必拍必訪導覽手冊收錄所有非去不可的景點及不可錯過的必拍重點,跟著這本書的內容走,包你的IG粉絲數暴增●紐約是IG上的打卡冠軍
ISBN13 / 9789460582264
ISBN10 / 9460582265
EAN / 9789460582264
誠品26碼 / 2681679585005
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.3X16X2.1CM
級別 / N:無