五花鹽特刊: 青山王。King Tshingshan | 誠品線上

五花鹽特刊: 青山王。King Tshingshan

商品描述 五花鹽特刊: 青山王。King Tshingshan:初見王爺,是數年前某個冬夜。深夜未歸的我們無意間闖進了炮仗喧天的西門町。煙霧中迎面而來的是幾個大仙尪仔,接著是拿著枷鎖刑具


內容簡介 初見王爺,是數年前某個冬夜。深夜未歸的我們無意間闖進了炮仗喧天的西門町。 煙霧中迎面而來的是幾個大仙尪仔,接著是拿著枷鎖刑具的將團。八將們樸實的青紅臉譜,沒有華麗的線條勾勒和過多花巧的裝扮,似乎和印象中的陣頭很不一樣。是傳統信仰和表演藝術融入後的分別嗎?當時的我們並不了解。 只見現場情緒火一般的燃燒,硝煙火光和眾人興奮的嘶喊轟然環繞。信仰,在這瞬間好像很具體,神、人彷彿在眼前相會。 這要算是我們對陣頭文化的首次震撼教育。 長久以來各種外來政權的文化汙名和壓迫,讓我們對自己所生長的土地認識淺薄。那些曾經應是人們生活一部分的在地信仰,經過了歷代的統治者的排擠、禁止、貶低,漸漸被邊緣化成了今天需要呵護的「文化資產」。家將、官將首、文武判,google 了之後還是一知半解。 漸漸的我們忘記了,這些看似陌生的文化和這塊土地的呼吸與成長原來是多麼緊緊的相關。 這份青山王信仰,依附著艋舺前輩與萬華今人的世代堅持,相對完整的保留下了原貌。而青山宮,不只是艋舺王爺信仰的指標,也從青山王祭歷年來的演變,讓我們循線回溯地方信仰是如何與歷史密切相依。 謝謝翻開這本雜誌的你,願意和我們一起重新記憶那些沉浸在鞭炮聲、鑼鼓聲中的大拜拜,和那份信仰與生活。不只是表象的文化保存,而是更深刻的城市記憶重建。 祝好胃口! A winter night some years ago. Our first encounter with ông-iâ (王爺, a spcific kind of deity). Still idling on the streets around midnight, we unexpectedly ran into Hsi-men-ting (西門町), which was then packed with firecrackers. Coming out of the firecracker smoke to us are several big deity dolls (大身尪仔 tuā-sian ang-á), followed by attendant generals with cangues and chains and other torture instruments in their hands. Unlike what we had seen in other formations (tīn-thâu 陣頭), the faces of these generals were plainly painted in red and green - no resplendent facial drawing, nor overly flamboyant decorations. We didn’t understand, at that time, whether there was a distinction between traditional facial painting and innovation in which performing art had been integrated. We were surrounded by burning emotions, dense smoke, light and fire as well as the excited exclamation of the public. For a split of a second, belief, deities and human beings seemed to meet each other right in front of our eyes. That was our first cultural shock brought about by temple fair formations. Various colonial powers have stigmatized our culture and that is the very season that we have become so alienated from our own land. Those local beliefs, once a part of everyday life, have been edged out and pushed aside, debased and even forbidden, being marginalized to the extent that we today see them as “cultural resources” that should be “preserved.” Even after a Google search, we knew still very little about attendant generals (家將 ka-tsiòng), deity generals (官將首 kuan-tsiòng-siú), judges of letters and might (Bûn-bú phuànn-kuann 文武判官) etc. Such culture, now almost forgotten, now seemingly so strange and alien, was once closely connected with the breathe of our land. Due to the insistency of Bang-kah ancestors and Wan-hua contemporaries, the belief in King Tshingshan is, comparatively speaking, well maintained. The Tshingshan Palace (Tshing-san-kiong) is not only an indication of Bang-kah’s ông-iâ belief. By tracing back the changes through years of King Tshingshan Festival, we see also how local beliefs were are embedded in the history of Taipei. Many thanks to you who are now reading this magazine, for you are willing to recall, together with us, the tuā-pài-pài (大拜拜 great worship) - always overwhelmed by sounds of firecrackers and drums and gongs - as well as the belief that was once also a way of life. More than the preservation of culture, it is an in-depth reconstruction of a city’s memory. Bon appetit!


產品目錄 。畫出神人之間──面師 Maestro of facial painting: drawing between man and deity 。人神轉換──出陣前的開臉與下願 Shifts between man and god: facial painting and vows before the parade 。看見世代虔誠 Piety passed down for generations 。番外篇──助陣!義氣相挺 Side story: concelebrating formation based on brotherhood 迎青山王初體驗──青山王祭紀實 My first encounter with King Tshingshan Festival 。話說前年祝融 About the fire accident of a previous year 。從尪仔到神將──開光儀式 From statue to a deity: the ritual of unveiling 。雙園區暗訪──南萬華的虔誠 Siang-hn̂g district: A night visit to the pious southern Bang-kah 。龍山區暗訪──衝轎,鐵面無私青山王 Liông-san distric: palanquin rush, the severe King Tshingshan 。正日遶境──迎青山王 The formal parade: reception of King Tshingshan 隨香完全攻略──13年的信仰與堅持 A comprehensive guide for full participation in the Festival 。什麼是隨香? What is suî-hiunn? 。隨香的配備與禮俗 Equipment and etiquette of a full participation


商品名 / 五花鹽特刊: 青山王。King Tshingshan
簡介 / 五花鹽特刊: 青山王。King Tshingshan:初見王爺,是數年前某個冬夜。深夜未歸的我們無意間闖進了炮仗喧天的西門町。煙霧中迎面而來的是幾個大仙尪仔,接著是拿著枷鎖刑具
誠品26碼 / 2681941526002
頁數 / 80
注音版 /
裝訂 / T:線裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
尺寸 / 19X26X0.3CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 中雜推薦


內文 : 「王爺啊!我們想做雜誌,請問祢可以當創刊號嗎?」







