內容簡介 男人都有一顆玻璃心,有野心、強勢的女人讓他們恐懼,如何不傷害他們脆弱的心靈,同時又可以在職場上獲得成就是女人共同的難題!在男人眼中妳的形象是這樣:爭取加薪=太強勢主動說出獲得讚賞的點子是自己提的=太自大承認錯誤=太懦弱想要家庭事業兼顧=無法商量要避免讓男人感受到這樣的威脅,妳們有更好的方法,例如每天都要反省自己、在email裡面加滿一堆笑臉、表達意見前先感謝對方……等,如果這些都不管用,那就戴上鬍鬚吧,這樣說不定還可以讓妳更快獲得晉升機會!暢銷作家、喜劇演員Sarah Cooper繼《這樣開會,最聰明!》後,再次以獨特的幽默感獻上所有職場女強人都需要的寶典,透過這本書,女強人們就可以在不傷害男人的前提下,在職場上步步高升!The unspoken rules for how women should behave in the workplace are as numerous as they are confusing.Ask for a pay rise? Pushy.Take credit for an idea? Arrogant.Admit a mistake? Weak.Successfully juggle work and family? Unpromotable.In How to Be Successful Without Hurting Men's Feelings, Sarah Cooper, author of the bestselling 100 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings, illustrates how women can achieve their dreams, succeed in their careers and become leaders, without harming the fragile male ego.This wickedly funny tongue-in-cheek guide includes chapters on ‘How to Ace Your Job Interview Without Over-acing It’, ‘9 Non-threatening Leadership Strategies for Women’, and ‘Choose Your Own Adventure: Do You Want to Be Likeable or Successful?’. It even includes several pages to doodle on while men finish explaining things.When all else fails, there is a set of cut-outable moustaches inside to allow women to seem more man-like, which will probably lead to a quick promotion!
作者介紹 Sarah CooperSarah Cooper is a blogger, vlogger and comedian whose wickedly satirical TheCooperReview.com pokes fun at corporate culture, the tech world and everything in between. After fifteen years working for companies like Google and Yahoo!, she knows her subject well. Her '10 Tricks to Appear Smart in Meetings' post has circled the globe, with over 5 million views. Sarah lives in San Francisco and enjoys nineties rock, stand-up comedy and both sunny and cloudy days equally.