Whisper Network: A Novel | 誠品線上

Whisper Network: A Novel

作者 Chandler Baker
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Whisper Network: A Novel:Sloane,Ardie,Grace,andRosalitahaveworkedatTruviv,Inc.foryears.ThesuddendeathofTruviv'sCEOmeanstheirboss,Ames,willlikelytakeovertheenti


內容簡介 瑞斯‧薇絲朋讀書會 X Hello Sunshine 選書 一開始要是你願意聆聽我們的意見,這些事情就不會發生了! 四個女人發現他們被女性醜聞纏身的主管,即將成為公司的執行長!當她們決定不在袖手旁觀,會有什麼後果?一段展現現代女性力量的故事,有讓人一翻開就抵擋不了一頁頁往下看的魔力。 Sloane、Ardie、Grace和Rosalita四人在同一間公司工作,公司的執行長前陣子過世了,這就表示他們那個不討喜Ames的主管即將接管公司,成為下一任的執行長。 四人和Ames相識已久,一直以來Ames都被各種和女人關係有關的竊竊私語圍繞著,這些私語中的主角長期以來都忽略了自己的權益,但時代已經不一樣了,她們決定這次真的受夠了! 她們和同事們發起了一場革命,所有人的未來都將被改變,她們只想對Ames說一句話「一開始要是你願意聆聽我們的意見,這些事情就不會發生了!」 Sloane, Ardie, Grace, and Rosalita have worked at Truviv, Inc. for years. The sudden death of Truviv's CEO means their boss, Ames, will likely take over the entire company. Each of the women has a different relationship with Ames, who has always been surrounded by whispers about how he treats women. Those whispers have been ignored, swept under the rug, hidden away by those in charge. But the world has changed, and the women are watching this promotion differently. This time, when they find out Ames is making an inappropriate move on a colleague, they aren't willing to let it go. This time, they've decided enough is enough. Sloane and her colleagues' decision to take a stand sets in motion a catastrophic shift in the office. Lies will be uncovered. Secrets will be exposed. And not everyone will survive. All of their lives—as women, colleagues, mothers, wives, friends, even adversaries—will change dramatically as a result. "If only you had listened to us,” they tell us on page one of Chandler Baker's Whisper Network, “none of this would have happened."


作者介紹 Chandler BakerChandler Baker lives in Austin with her husband and toddler where she also works as a corporate attorney. Whisper Network is her adult debut. Chandler is the author of the young adult thriller, Alive, as well as the High School Horror series.


書名 / Whisper Network: A Novel
作者 / Chandler Baker
簡介 / Whisper Network: A Novel:Sloane,Ardie,Grace,andRosalitahaveworkedatTruviv,Inc.foryears.ThesuddendeathofTruviv'sCEOmeanstheirboss,Ames,willlikelytakeovertheenti
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250268716
ISBN10 / 1250268710
EAN / 9781250268716
誠品26碼 / 2681783228003
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.4X16.3X3CM
級別 / N:無
