Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption | 誠品線上

Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption

作者 Ben Mezrich
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption:暢銷作家、《社群網戰》《決勝21點》電影原著小說作者班.梅立克以比特幣投資客Winklevoss兄弟


內容簡介 暢銷作家、《社群網戰》《決勝21點》電影原著小說作者班.梅立克以比特幣投資客Winklevoss兄弟大膽的賭注和驚人的回報為題,最新作品正式登場!在《社群網站》的電影中,祖柏克曾經的手下敗將Winklevoss兄弟,在現實生活中擺脫這個臭名,創辦了美國知名交易所Gemini,並且投資了加密貨幣比特幣,成為了第一位比特幣的億萬富翁,形同向祖柏克的反擊。經歷臉書風波之後,Winklevoss兄弟療傷之際聽說了引起他們注意力的新趨勢──加密貨幣比特幣,經過仔細研究後,他們認為比特幣不是一個新的致富工具,就是一個天大的笑話,他們只能選擇放手一搏。在2017年,Winklevoss兄弟成為了因比特幣致富的第一位比特幣億萬富翁,而他們在加密貨幣的世界從零到致富的故事,都在這本書裡,並且非由班.梅立克來說不可,Winklevoss兄弟勢必即將創造下一個《社群網戰》的風潮。Ben Mezrich's 2009 bestseller The Accidental Billionaires is the definitive account of Facebook's founding - and the basis for the Academy Award-winning film The Social Network. Two of the story's iconic characters are Harvard students Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss: identical twins, Olympic rowers, and legal foils to MarkZuckerberg. Bitcoin Billionaires is the story of the brothers' redemption and revenge in the wake of their epic legal battle with Facebook - and the first great book from the world of bitcoin.Planning to start careers as venture capitalists, the brothers quickly discover that no one will take their money for fear of alienating Zuckerberg. While nursing their wounds in Ibiza, they accidentally run into a shady character who tells them about a brand new idea: cryptocurrency. Immersing themselves in what is then an obscure and sometimes sinister world, they begin to realize "crypto" is, in their own words, "either the next big thing or total bulls--t." There's nothing left to do but make a bet.From the Silk Road to the halls of the Securities and Exchange Commission to the Facebook boardroom, Bitcoin Billionaires will take us on a wild and surprising ride while illuminating a tantalizing economic future. On November 26th, 2017, the Winklevoss brothers became the first bitcoin billionaires. Here's the story of how they got there - as only Ben Mezrich could tell it.


書名 / Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption
作者 / Ben Mezrich
簡介 / Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption:暢銷作家、《社群網戰》《決勝21點》電影原著小說作者班.梅立克以比特幣投資客Winklevoss兄弟
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250239389
ISBN10 / 1250239389
EAN / 9781250239389
誠品26碼 / 2681726296007
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
