This Too Shall Pass | 誠品線上

También esto Pasará

作者 米蓮娜.布斯凱
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 This Too Shall Pass:「從今以後,我想我參加的每場喪禮都是妳的喪禮。」 後現代莎岡 逆襲法國,授權三十多國的西班牙療傷小說 憂鬱率真,直達心底的優雅告別 「妳曾對我


內容簡介 「從今以後,我想我參加的每場喪禮都是妳的喪禮。」 後現代莎岡 逆襲法國,授權三十多國的西班牙療傷小說 憂鬱率真,直達心底的優雅告別 「妳曾對我保證當妳嚥下最後一口氣之後, 我的生活將會回到正軌,恢復秩序,痛苦是可以忍耐的, 不過妳可沒說我會肝腸寸斷。」 布蘭卡,年屆四十卻仍像孩子般率性而為,一如她崇尚自由、個性鮮明的母親。然而病魔的襲擊,奪走母親的優雅和理智,原本布蘭卡和母親之間又愛又恨的矛盾關係,更是雪上加霜。直到母親撒手人寰,看似無謂的布蘭卡卻被鋪天蓋地而來的悲傷攫住。 為了逃離,布蘭卡與兩位前夫、情人、姊妹淘、孩子,一同回到母親的故鄉,也是自己童年回憶之所卡達奎斯,鎮日耽溺於性愛與夏日海邊狂歡之中,藉以感覺自己的存在。然而,悲傷總在她猝不及防之際迎面而來……。 小說以墓園拉開序幕,也以墓園畫下句點,娓娓道出人世間的喪親之痛。作者以細膩優雅又不失幽默的筆觸,寫母親的率真狂放、母親的霸道,母親對公義真理的追求……喃喃訴說著對逝世母親的愛。看似輕盈的氛圍,卻隱含著深刻濃烈的情思,探討了愛恨、生死、悲喜,真摯而直觸人心。通篇淡淡的哀傷中,仍散發正面而溫暖的力量。 痛苦和悲傷會過去。 欣喜和快樂會過去。 眼淚和笑容會過去。 你會留下。 然後也會過去。 本書中文書介出自《這也會過去This too Shall Pass》野人文化出版An irresistible, vivid and wise story of one woman’s reckoning with loss and loveBlanca is forty years old and motherless. Shaken by the unexpected death of the most important person in her life, she suddenly realizes that she has no idea what her future will look like. To ease her dizzying grief and confusion, Blanca turns to her dearest friends, her closest family, and a change of scenery. Leaving Barcelona behind, she returns to Cadaqués on the coast, accompanied by her two sons, two ex-husbands, and two best friends, and makes a plan to meet her married lover for a few stolen moments as well. Surrounded by those she loves most, she spends the summer in an impossibly beautiful place, finding ways to reconnect and understand what it means to truly, happily live on her own terms, just as her mother would have wanted. A refreshingly frank and ruefully funny portrait of a grieving daughter, THIS TOO SHALL PASS explores how our deepest relationships are changed by tragedy, with bonds often becoming stronger in ways we never expected.


書名 / This Too Shall Pass
作者 / 米蓮娜.布斯凱
簡介 / This Too Shall Pass:「從今以後,我想我參加的每場喪禮都是妳的喪禮。」 後現代莎岡 逆襲法國,授權三十多國的西班牙療傷小說 憂鬱率真,直達心底的優雅告別 「妳曾對我
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780451497345
ISBN10 / 0451497341
EAN / 9780451497345
誠品26碼 / 2681296693008
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無