The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy | 誠品線上

萬物的價值: 經濟體系的革命時代, 重新定義市場、價值、生產者與獲利者

作者 瑪里亞娜.馬祖卡托
商品描述 The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy:麥肯錫年度財經書入圍本書援引矽谷、金融業和大型藥廠的案例,闡明含糊的價值觀如何混淆租金和利潤,


內容簡介 麥肯錫年度財經書入圍本書援引矽谷、金融業和大型藥廠的案例,闡明含糊的價值觀如何混淆租金和利潤,並扭曲業績成長和GDP和的衡量標準。創新受挫,不平等也油然而生。 Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? At the heart of today's financial and economic crisis is a problem hiding in plain sight. In modern capitalism, value-extraction - the siphoning off of profits, from shareholders' dividends to bankers' bonuses - is rewarded more highly than value-creation: the productive process that drives a healthy economy and society. We misidentify takers as makers, and have lost sight of what value really means. Once a central plank of economic thought, this concept of value - what it is, why it matters to us - is simply no longer discussed.Yet, argues Mariana Mazzucato in this penetrating and passionate new book, if we are to reform capitalism - to radically transform an increasingly sick system rather than continue feeding it - we urgently need to rethink where wealth comes from. Who is creating it, who is extracting it, and who is destroying it? Answers to these questions are key if we want to replace the current parasitic system with a type of capitalism that is more sustainable, more symbiotic: that works for us all. The Value of Everything will reignite a long-needed debate about the kind of world we really want to live in.


書名 / The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy
作者 / 瑪里亞娜.馬祖卡托
簡介 / The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy:麥肯錫年度財經書入圍本書援引矽谷、金融業和大型藥廠的案例,闡明含糊的價值觀如何混淆租金和利潤,
ISBN13 / 9780241347799
ISBN10 / 0241347793
EAN / 9780241347799
誠品26碼 / 2681564138002
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無