Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies for Giant Leaps in Work and Life | 誠品線上

像火箭科學家一樣思考: 9大策略, 翻轉你的事業與人生

作者 歐贊.瓦羅
商品描述 Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies for Giant Leaps in Work and Life:《像火箭科學家一樣思考:9大策略,翻轉你的事業與人生》Nameda"mustread"bySusanCai


內容簡介 送兩臺探測車登陸火星、將無人探測船送上土星的火箭科學家,告訴你不需要搞懂高等數學,只要換一種思維方式,就能化不可能為可能,在地球翻轉人生!學習運用火箭科學家的9大思考策略,不僅能改變你觀看世界的方式,你將會得到力量,去改變世界本身!做為一位火箭科學家,意味著透過一副截然不同的濾鏡看待事情。火箭科學家經常思考人們一般想像不到的事情、解決人們一般處理不了的問題、把失敗翻轉為勝利,讓限制成為優勢。對他們而言,不幸與意外是可以解開的謎團,而非不可跨越的路障。他們並非受盲目的信念驅使,而是一直在自我懷疑中前進;他們的目標不是短期的成果,而是長期的突破;他們知道世上沒有什麼牢不可破的金科玉律,預設的一切都可以被更改,而新的道路會在其中成型。看完這本書,你並不會成為一位火箭科學家,但是你會知道如何像火箭科學家一樣思考。無論你正站在發射臺上、在董事會議中、還是在你家客廳裡,本書將一直保有實用價值,不會用傳教式口吻來告訴你火箭科學思維法的好處,反而是提出具體可行的策略,讓你把火箭思維應用在生活中的每一件事情上。──歐贊.瓦羅本中文書介出自《像火箭科學家一樣思考: 9大策略, 翻轉你的事業與人生》究竟出版社股份有限公司出版An engaging, practical guide to making seemingly impossible ideas come to life. Featuring nine main principles from rocket science, LAUNCH your dreams, ACCELERATE them with insights and ACHIEVE greatness.New ways to think in unprecedented times.Named a "must read " by Susan Cain, "endlessly fascinating " by Daniel Pink, and "bursting with practical insights " by Adam Grant.In this accessible and practical book, Ozan Varol reveals nine simple strategies from rocket science that you can use to make your own giant leaps in work and life -- whether it's landing your dream job, accelerating your business, learning a new skill, or creating the next breakthrough product. Today, thinking like a rocket scientist is a necessity. We all encounter complex and unfamiliar problems in our lives. Those who can tackle these problems -- without clear guidelines and with the clock ticking -- enjoy an extraordinary advantage.Think Like a Rocket Scientist will inspire you to take your own moonshot and enable you to achieve lift-off."


作者介紹 Ozan Varol is the highest-rated professor at Lewis & Clark Law School. Varol's articles have appeared in outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, BBC, TIME, CNN, Washington Post, Slate, and Foreign Policy. He blogs weekly on his website, and his articles reach millions of readers each month. A sought-after public speaker, Varol has given countless radio and television interviews, and delivered keynote speeches both to small and large crowds at major corporations, nonprofits, and government institutions. Before becoming a Law Professor, he served on the operations team for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers and the Cassini-Huygens mission that sent a probe to Saturn.


書名 / Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies for Giant Leaps in Work and Life
作者 / 歐贊.瓦羅
簡介 / Think Like a Rocket Scientist: Simple Strategies for Giant Leaps in Work and Life:《像火箭科學家一樣思考:9大策略,翻轉你的事業與人生》Nameda"mustread"bySusanCai
ISBN13 / 9780753553589
ISBN10 / 0753553589
EAN / 9780753553589
誠品26碼 / 2681864432008
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22X15X2CM
級別 / N:無
