Letters from an Astrophysicist | 誠品線上

Letters from an Astrophysicist

作者 Neil deGrasse Tyson
商品描述 Letters from an Astrophysicist:Jointhegalacticconversationonthebiggestissuesintheuniverse‘Don'tfearchange.Don'tfearfailure.Theonlythingtofearislossofambition.


內容簡介 《宇宙大探索》與《名人談星》節目主持人,也是美國海頓天文館館長尼爾.德.葛拉斯.泰森透過與讀者的書信,探討宇宙間最重要的各種議題。 「才華洋溢…,泰森最新的書可以與他的《宇宙必修課:給大忙人的天文物理學入門攻略》做有趣的搭配,兩者都激勵那些對科學謹慎且願意親近科學的讀者們。」-《書單》(星級評論) 「不要害怕改變,不要害怕失敗,唯一該害怕的是失去雄心壯志。一旦你擁有抱負,那麼就沒有什麼可害怕的了。」- 尼爾.德.葛拉斯.泰森 天文物理學家泰森以深入淺出的方式解釋科學和宇宙,使得他在網路社群媒體吸引眾多的追隨者。這次,泰森透過與全球欲尋求答案的讀者們的書信,讓我們一窺他公開形象背後的點滴。本書集結了由他精選出的101封書信,從宇宙的觀點,來回答各式各樣關於科學、信仰、哲學、生命的問題,當然,其中一定少不了冥王星。他簡潔、固執己見、熱情且有趣的回應,反映出他受歡迎的程度,也證明他為何是一個傑出的教育家。 泰森2017年的《宇宙必修課:給大忙人的天文物理學入門攻略》以他的洞見和簡明易懂的語言,讓百萬讀者了解宇宙。這本新書,是他至今最坦率直白且至誠的書寫,探索我們在宇宙中的定位。Join the galactic conversation on the biggest issues in the universe‘Don't fear change. Don't fear failure. The only thing to fear is loss of ambition. But if you've got plenty of that, then you have nothing to fear at all’ – Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson is arguably the most influential, acclaimed scientist on the planet. As director of the Hayden Planetarium, and host of Cosmos and StarTalk, he has dedicated his life to exploring and explaining the mysteries of the universe.Every year, he receives thousands of letters – from students to prisoners, scientists to priests. Some seek advice, others yearn for inspiration; some are full of despair, others burst with wonder. But they are all searching for understanding, meaning and truth.His replies are by turns wise, funny, and mind-blowing. In this, his most personal book by far, he covers everything from God to the history of science, from aliens to death. He bares his soul – his passions, his doubts, his hopes. The big theme is everywhere in these pages: what is our place in the universe?The result is an awe-inspiring read and an intimate portal into an incredible mind, which reveals the power of the universe to start conversations and inspire curiosity in all of us.


作者介紹 Neil deGrasse TysonNeil deGrasse Tyson was born in New York City the same week NASA was founded. After a BA in Physics from Harvard, a PhD in Astrophysics from Columbia, and a Postdoctoral research fellowship at Princeton, Tyson become the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium, where he has served since 1996. Neil is the host of the award-winning Cosmos TV series, and StarTalk, the first ever science-based talk show and podcast. He has over 13 million Twitter followers, among the top 200 people in the world.


書名 / Letters from an Astrophysicist
作者 / Neil deGrasse Tyson
簡介 / Letters from an Astrophysicist:Jointhegalacticconversationonthebiggestissuesintheuniverse‘Don'tfearchange.Don'tfearfailure.Theonlythingtofearislossofambition.
ISBN13 / 9780753553794
ISBN10 / 0753553791
EAN / 9780753553794
誠品26碼 / 2681788124003
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
