User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work and Play | 誠品線上

我們的行為是怎樣被設計的: 友善設計如何改變人類的娛樂、生活與工作方式

作者 匡山/ 羅伯.法布坎
商品描述 User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work and Play:最友善使用者的超強設計全集熱愛精心設計產品及渴望開創新產品創作者的必


內容簡介 最友善使用者的超強設計全集 熱愛精心設計產品及渴望開創新產品創作者的必備寶典 市面上有些產品似乎有讀心術般了解我們的需求。但為何有些產品設計上的本質優良,有些設計卻不耐久,甚至在市面上消失?這本最友善使用者的超強設計全集將引導讀者,發現許多擁有潛規則的設計產品是如何改變我們的生活與行為,透過生動的故事幫助讀者挖掘更多強大的設計產品的產出。例如因為三里島核災事件因此揭露了智慧型手機的設計邏輯;經濟大恐慌和二次世界大戰所帶來的壓力造就社會進步,也因此產出更多優秀的設計產品;迪士尼樂園的失敗設計案例產生更多美好及優良的設計體驗。更多新奇的設計秘辛都在等著你挖掘,捕獲設計靈感,發現隱藏創意,帶領設計者拋棄固有慣性,以鮮活的眼光看待世界。 USER FRIENDLY is a must-read for anyone who loves well-designed products―and for the innovators aspiring to make them. It seems like magic when some new gadget seems to know what we want before we know ourselves. But why does some design feel intrinsically good, and why do some designs last forever, while others disappear? User Friendly guides readers through the hidden rules governing how design shapes our behaviour, told through fascinating stories such as what the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island reveals about the logic of the smartphone; how the pressures of the Great Depression and World War II created our faith in social progress through better product design; and how a failed vision for Disney World yielded a new paradigm for designed experience.


作者介紹 Cliff KuangCliff Kuang is a design strategist at Google, and an award-winning journalist. He was previously the design editor at Wired and Fast Company, where he has edited or written over 7,000 articles on design. His writing has also appeared in the New York Times Magazine, Bloomberg Businessweek, and The Economist.Robert FabricantRobert Fabricant is a co-founder of Dalberg’s Design Impact Group and former Vice President of Creative for Frog Design. He has won numerous design awards and has written and spoken widely on design and social impact, for outlets including the Harvard Business Review and SXSW.


書名 / User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work and Play
作者 / 匡山 羅伯.法布坎
簡介 / User Friendly: How the Hidden Rules of Design are Changing the Way We Live, Work and Play:最友善使用者的超強設計全集熱愛精心設計產品及渴望開創新產品創作者的必
ISBN13 / 9780753556641
ISBN10 / 0753556642
EAN / 9780753556641
誠品26碼 / 2681751496007
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
