Be A Llama & Stay A Little Calmer | 誠品線上

Be A Llama & Stay A Little Calmer

作者 Sarah Ford
商品描述 Be A Llama & Stay A Little Calmer:人生的字典裡沒有「慌張」的小動物:駱駝!恬淡平和、與人為善、隨遇而安、按部就班。學習書中的小駱駝,在混亂中尋求平靜。反正還有


內容簡介 人生的字典裡沒有「慌張」的小動物:駱駝!恬淡平和、與人為善、隨遇而安、按部就班。學習書中的小駱駝,在混亂中尋求平靜。反正還有明天。明天沒了還有後天。沒什麼好急的。充滿禪意的可愛語錄,處處皆是生活之道與處世哲學,適合贈與給需要在人生中找到自己節奏與平靜的人。Sweet natured, sociable, and blessed with great hair, Llama is taking on the world...she is doing it one step at a time and staying really, really chilled. Take a leaf out of Llama's book and seek out the calm amidst the chaos.From llama weddings to therapy llamas, these are the animals of tomorrow. Or the day after. No rush.Find your inner llama Zen with this little book of calm, illustrated with sweet pictures of little charmer Llama. Full of funny quotes to help you achieve total llama 'calma', this book is a wonderful gift for friends and family, as well as a great treat for you.


作者介紹 Sarah Ford is a publisher, writer and lover of all things bright and beautiful. She lives in The Cotswolds but works in London, travelling back and forth on her unicorn. When she's not working she can often be found chasing a small child, a cat and several chickens round her garden.


書名 / Be A Llama & Stay A Little Calmer
作者 / Sarah Ford
簡介 / Be A Llama & Stay A Little Calmer:人生的字典裡沒有「慌張」的小動物:駱駝!恬淡平和、與人為善、隨遇而安、按部就班。學習書中的小駱駝,在混亂中尋求平靜。反正還有
ISBN13 / 9781846015625
ISBN10 / 1846015626
EAN / 9781846015625
誠品26碼 / 2681596051003
頁數 / 96
注音版 /
裝訂 / S:軟精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 14.7X10.5CM
級別 / N:無
