Never Give Up: Jack Ma in His Own Words | 誠品線上

Never Give Up: Jack Ma in His Own Words

作者 Suk Lee/ Bob Song/ Ed.
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Never Give Up: Jack Ma in His Own Words:阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲最發人深省、直白的語錄。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過線上網路


內容簡介 阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲最發人深省、直白的語錄。自從阿里巴巴在2014年9月首次公開募股,集資了破紀錄的250億美元之後,創辦人馬雲一直在創造全球頭條新聞。光是2014年,阿里巴巴線上交易金額總計為2480億美元 – 高於亞馬遜與e-bay的總和。他是第一個登上《富比士》雜誌封面的中國企業家,中國第二富有的人,身價估計有290億美金。馬雲在中國及世界的科技界有巨大的影響力,他白手起家的故事在華人世界幾乎無人不知,但在歐美卻相對鮮為人知。本書藉由馬雲發人深省且坦率的話,帶領你認識,過去20年在全球科技界或許是最突出的人物其心智的運作。當馬雲在1999年決定創立第一間互聯網公司,僅有少數人知道什麼是互聯網。他以前是個英文老師,不知道什麼是電腦編碼,他的第一筆創業金2萬美元是跟家人借的,而不是來自風險資本家的投資。阿里巴巴提供了企業與一般大眾買賣商品的平台,角色與亞馬遜和e-bay相近,同時像Google一樣,獲取廣告收入。以規模而言,阿里巴巴目前已是世界最大的電子商務網站。本書收錄了超過200句馬雲說過的話,關於創新、企業價值與運作、競爭、管理、團隊合作與生活,提供了對這位身兼現代企業巨擘與慈善家的貼近觀察。本書收錄的許多談話,譯自中文的出版品與訪談,因此不僅可以理解馬雲的心智運作,對翻譯有興趣的讀者,也可以從中獲得翻譯的樂趣與技巧。Ever since the Alibaba Group went public on September 19, 2014—with an initial public offering of a record-breaking $25 billion—Jack Ma, the founder and charismatic "spiritual leader" of the e-commerce behemoth, has been making headlines around the world. In 2014, the company's online transactions totaled $248 billion—more than those of Amazon and eBay combined. The first Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes, Ma is the now the second-richest man in China, with a net worth that is estimated to be north of $29 billion.Despite Ma's massive influence in China and in the global tech world, his inspirational rags-to-riches story is relatively unknown to the general American public. Never Give Up: Jack Ma In His Own Words is a comprehensive guide to the inner workings of arguably the most prominent figure in the global tech world in the past 20 years—comprised entirely of Ma's own thought-provoking and candid quotes.When Ma decided to start his first Internet company in 1999, few Chinese people knew what the Internet was. Ma, a former English teacher, knew nothing about coding, and his $20,000 in startup funds were not made up of investments from venture capitalists but loans from his family. He channeled his startup experience into Alibaba, a group of websites that allows businesses and people to connect in order to buy and sell products (similar to eBay and Amazon) while also collecting advertising revenue (similar to Google). By some measures, Alibaba is now the largest e-commerce site in the world.In this book, more than 200 quotes on business values, innovation, entrepreneurship, competition, management, teamwork, life, and more provide an intimate and direct look into the mind of this modern business icon and philanthropist. Many of these quotes are translated directly from the Chinese press and interviews. For readers who do not read Chinese and have no other access to these materials, this book provides invaluable insight into the mind of one of the world's most successful business magnates.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介Suk Lee出版界老兵,在數家美國主要出版社工作數十年。Bob Song在中國出版界與資訊產業待了許久。


書名 / Never Give Up: Jack Ma in His Own Words
作者 / Suk Lee Bob Song Ed.
簡介 / Never Give Up: Jack Ma in His Own Words:阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲最發人深省、直白的語錄。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發,並透過線上網路
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781572841895
ISBN10 / 1572841893
EAN / 9781572841895
誠品26碼 / 2681325951000
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.8X11.4X1.2CM
級別 / N:無