內容簡介 ‧《暮光之城》的痴狂愛戀!《格雷的五十道陰影》的極限情挑!《傲慢與偏見》的悸動時刻! ‧ 以英倫男孩天團「一世代」中最狂野不羈的Harry Styles為男主角藍本,甫推出便在Wattpad平台掀起驚人的瘋讀熱潮 ‧ 派拉蒙影業取得電影改編版權,四部曲接連上映 ‧ 繼《格雷》後最風靡的網路小說,全球讀者點閱 ‧ Instagram百萬追蹤者粉絲擁戴,校園愛慾風暴襲捲全球 ‧ 版權狂銷30國,德、西、法出版即登上暢銷榜NO.1 / 只要不墜入愛河,就不可能心碎。 但在邂逅你之後,卻都成了冒險…… 我們究竟是怎麼從「我恨你」到「我愛你」, 又是如何走到這個地步的? 自從遇見你,我就此失去控制,再也無法自己。 這就是我們,一切的憤怒與激情之後,現在是愛情了嗎? / 大一新鮮人黛莎是那種永遠按照計畫表過日子的乖乖女,她從念高中的第一天開始,就為了進入心目中的第一志願華盛頓中央大學做準備。 入學第一天搬進宿舍的黛莎,便撞見了狂野不羈的赫汀,不斷地巧遇更是讓她慌亂不已。赫汀蓬亂的棕髮、高傲的英國腔、刺青、唇環,俊美可愛卻完全超乎黛莎能理解的範圍。最難以忍受的是他粗魯至極,發起脾氣來近乎殘忍的地步。黛莎應該要非常討厭這個壞男孩才對,然而,赫汀難以捉摸的陰鬱氣質攫住了她。只需一個眼神、一個碰觸、一個吻,瞬間便點燃了連黛莎自己都從未發掘的情慾…… 赫汀覺得黛莎還算漂亮,但不是他的真命天女,他在兄弟會所夜夜笙歌,每天都帶不同的女孩回家,有時甚至還不只一個。從不戀愛的赫汀,發現黛莎與自己是多麼不同卻又如此相似,於是若即若離,卻也愈陷愈深……難道傲慢是他對愛的主張? 儘管遭受赫汀如此無禮對待,黛莎仍然一再嚥下受傷的自尊,任由他不論白天與夜晚,解放她身心的狂野與自由,也同時探入他潛藏在層層謊言下的真實內心。究竟在赫汀冷酷的武裝下,是否真有黛莎以為的溫度? 迎接黛莎的,究竟是愛情的美好,還是讓她心碎的真相?本書借出自悅知文化出版《禁忌世代 I: 邂逅》Experience the internet's most talked-about book, now a major motion picture, from Anna Todd, the writer Cosmopolitan called “the biggest literary phenomenon of her generation.” Now with new exclusive material! There was the time before Tessa met Hardin, and then there’s everything AFTER... Life will never be the same. #HessaTessa is a good girl with a sweet, reliable boyfriend back home. She’s got direction, ambition, and a mother who’s intent on keeping her that way.But she’s barely moved into her freshman dorm when she runs into Hardin. With his tousled brown hair, cocky British accent, and tattoos, Hardin is cute and different from what she’s used to.But he’s also rude—to the point of cruelty, even. For all his attitude, Tessa should hate Hardin. And she does—until she finds herself alone with him in his room. Something about his dark mood grabs her, and when they kiss it ignites within her a passion she’s never known before.He'll call her beautiful, then insist he isn’t the one for her and disappear again and again. Despite the reckless way he treats her, Tessa is compelled to dig deeper and find the real Hardin beneath all his lies. He pushes her away again and again, yet every time she pushes back, he only pulls her in deeper.Tessa already has the perfect boyfriend. So why is she trying so hard to overcome her own hurt pride and Hardin's prejudice about nice girls like her?Unless...could this be love?Age Range: Adult
作者介紹 Anna Todd (安娜.陶德)Anna Todd is the New York Times bestselling author of the After series of books, The Spring Girls, and the recent The Brightest Stars. After has been released in over thirty-five languages and is a #1 international bestseller. She has since written eight additional novels and serves as a producer and screenwriter on the upcoming film adaptation of After We Collided, the sequel to After. A native of Ohio, Anna lives with her husband and son in Los Angeles. Find her at AnnaTodd.com, on Twitter at @AnnaTodd, on Instagram at @AnnaTodd, and on Wattpad as Imaginator1D.